Fish Fanatic
Mine were hard to feed at first.
The guy at the LFS showed me a pond he had out back where he cultivated live food, and told me I could replicate it with a bucket.
Basically, I got a bucket and filled it with rainwater. I added a few leaves and clumps of grass and left it.
That was a few weeks ago.
Yesterday, I had a fish about in there with my net.The water was really green, and there were huuuge bloodworms and Daphnia like things in there, so my puffers had their first live home grown meal.
I'd recommend giving it a go if you can.
They had started to take frozen bloodworm quite readily by now anyway, but were not so keen on the other stuff in frozen blister packs, so at least I have a "fresh" option, albeit in the summer only.
I have also started a "snail hatchery" in a breeding trap in my main tank. Just got a plant in there for cover and chuck a bit of food in now and again.They're coming on quite nicely.

The guy at the LFS showed me a pond he had out back where he cultivated live food, and told me I could replicate it with a bucket.
Basically, I got a bucket and filled it with rainwater. I added a few leaves and clumps of grass and left it.
That was a few weeks ago.
Yesterday, I had a fish about in there with my net.The water was really green, and there were huuuge bloodworms and Daphnia like things in there, so my puffers had their first live home grown meal.
I'd recommend giving it a go if you can.
They had started to take frozen bloodworm quite readily by now anyway, but were not so keen on the other stuff in frozen blister packs, so at least I have a "fresh" option, albeit in the summer only.
I have also started a "snail hatchery" in a breeding trap in my main tank. Just got a plant in there for cover and chuck a bit of food in now and again.They're coming on quite nicely.