My Drift Wood Grown Fluff


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2009
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hey guys i dont no if its bad or not but i have noticed some white fluff starting to grow on one bit of my drift wood
can some1 tell me if its a bad thing or what?
hey guys i dont no if its bad or not but i have noticed some white fluff starting to grow on one bit of my drift wood
can some1 tell me if its a bad thing or what?

where did you get the wood? how long has the tank been running? did you boil the wood?
wood been in the tank 4 like a year has a plant on it been running 4 a year aswell
I just started a tank a couple months ago and when I first put my wood in maybe a week or 2 in the cycle process I had a white fuzz grow on mine. I did some online research and it had to do with some type of oil escaping the wood. Not sure what to tell you since its been in the tank for so long... some type of algae i'd think
hasnt effected my tank at all and ive left it on there. Im about to get some shrimp in the tank so ill be wondering if they clean it up or anything like that...
I had the same thing on a piece of driftwood in my tank and it felt slimey. When I pulled it out, it smelled like rotten eggs. My water stats were good but I was horrified by the smell so I threw it away.
I have mopani wood. It grew white fluff at first, but every week I took it out and scrubbed it with a toothbrush in salt and hot water then rinsed it really well. It took some time to go away but I think it is gone.
Did you boil it? Most wood leeches tannins (makes water look brownish) but that doesn't hurt fish. It will also stain a pot if you do boil it.
Where did you get the wood?
wood come with my tank and has a very large plant on it thats going great but its only just on one end of my wood

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