My Drafts (and A Warmblood!)

:wub: I love your horses! You are so lucky! I'd love to have horses etc........

Never know maybe one day it will happen :lol: (I can only dream)
I hope you do get horses eventually. They are great, very enjoyable. :thumbs:

Annastasia - yes it was in the USA, somewhere in new england/massachusetts, on a girl scout horsey camp! haha. those were the days. *le sigh*
I know the horse then. :hyper: Such a pretty boy.

beautiful horses, i rode when i was yournger but had a bit of a bad experienxe on i wimp of a horse also!! shame tho as did enjoy it!!

Sorry to hear that! Thanks for the nice comment. :)
is that you on the horse in the first picture? great shots, id be to scared of falling off :S ill jsut stay with tennis safly on the ground :D
There's a few battle re-anactment shows I participate in every year and at some of these their are some horses that come with the knights that do the medieval battle & jousting displays. The horse breed they use are called suffolk punches, a bit like the ones in the pics, as these closely resemble/are the size horse that would have been used. They have a field put aside for them when they are not showing & you can go & pet them & feed them handfuls of hay. You really don't realise how big these things are until you are up close. They are huge, it must have been terrifying to have a cavalry charge of these against you when you where on foot!!!!! aaaagggghhhhh!!!!!!!! Here's a pic of one in action.

NC - Nope. I'm tiny, but not THAT tiny. :lol: Hehe, tennis is fun too, but I still love my horses. It's pretty easy to stay on with vaulting, because you have handles, and the lounger can stop the horse at anytime.

Littleimp - I love jousting! It's actually our state sport. :hyper: There's lots of it going on here, even a whole club for jousting reanactments. Suffolk Punches are great horses, a bit like Belgians only always chestnut. I used to have one, but I gave him away since he was only a trail horse and I can't just do trails. My horses need to be multi-tasking. :thumbs:

Toxis - Thanks! :D
Yep. Well, technically it's a cross, since he's Belgian/Thoroughbred, but he looks like a draft so therefore I call him one. :p
Lovely horses..I personally prefer a very tall horse myself. I don't have any right now, but in the future I'd like to have one like a friend I used to know was a Percheron/Thoroughbred cross...he was magnificantly huge, black, had a super thick/long mane/tail, and beautiful curly/hairy feet.

Thought you might get a kick out of these...


Belgians! :hyper:

I prefer the tall ones myself, SRC. :thumbs: Something about being up high, and working with them is just great. But I know lots of people who like the closest to the ground they can get....not as far to fall. :lol:

By the way, thanks so much for the .gif again. :D
I feel odd on a short I'm out of proportion or something lol. Or maybe I just like having a bigger horse then everyone else :lol:.

And your certainly welcome for the .gif ;).
I feel odd on a short I'm out of proportion or something lol. Or maybe I just like having a bigger horse then everyone else :lol:.

Haha, I know the feeling! When I rode my Warmblood in a show the other day, I realized I could FINALLY look down at people (I'm short) and I was like "Wooo, go me!" :lol: Horses have many uses.... :p

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