My Dog (and Cat)


Fish Addict
Dec 3, 2007
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Just thought I'd share my beautiful girl... Boo the Bernese Mountain Dog.

She was diagnosed with cancer last year and we were just waiting to put her to sleep but when the time never seemed right we took her back to the vet who found it was actually a very rare form of arthritis and now she's not dying anymore :)

Also here's a picture of my cat Sox playing in the sink!

thats really good news, must be such a relief to get good news like that after thinking the worst. shes beautiful by the way :)
Your cats stupid though, they dont like water yet play in the sink :rolleyes:
I'm so glad she doesn't have cancer! Your dog is gorgious. Your cat is cute too. My cat also loved sinks. He preferred drinking from them. He would ask us to make a puddle in them for him. I guess he liked the fresh water.
Ha ha, thanks for the comments. She's a real cutie, unfortunately i don't have any great pics of her on my computer so I just posted the ones I've got.

The cat is mad, he loves walking around the edge of the bath and he has fallen in about 3 times!!

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