New Member
If you like cichlids there are plenty of smaller (dwarf) species that would suit a 120l tank. I would say selling what you have and starting again is the best option. Keeping large aggressive cichlids is not a one tank job trust me! you have to be on your toes constantly changing the decor to distupt territories to keep the peace. Just because one person can keep certain cichlids together (I have a JD with a severum and true parrots, my JD is a wuss) does not apply to that species, each cichlid has its own character and agression levels. Oscars are ment to be mean, yet I have fostered/rescued some oscars that are so docile they would happily live with smaller fish, yet others would try and kill everything. There is no rule with cichlids other than have more than 1 tank to move any aggressor.
For 120l look at keyholes, krobia xingu, apistogramma (hundreds to choose from). Hope this helps![]()
ok thanks for that... initially i wanted pirhanas as my newphew has a few and doing well growing them.. but i just coudlnt resist cichlids. ok i'll look into smaller cichlids.. how much do u think i can sell my 5" dempsey for?