My Degus


Mar 20, 2011
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Got 4 degus about 3weeks ago, they're all boys all related, ones 4 the others are 2-3years old.
I have upgraded there cage so that they have more room, but was wondering if anyone had any degus and what sort of things are in their cage.
As i would like some ideas of what to give them, so they have more to do :)
i used to have degus, they had swings, hammocks, lots of ledges and a hidy holes, i used to take out the sand bath and only put it in for a hour a day or they peed in it, they had a wheel too, (the disc type)i gave them the odd dandilion which they loved, they also loved the natural wooden parrot toys especially the ones with bells on.....i only have my chinchillas left now
Any pictures?
We're getting 6 next week. I cannot wait. They're amazing wee things. Cannot believe they're seen as pests in their native country.
I've heard its best to train them by ringing a bell at food times. This means that if they ever escape they will hear you ring a bell and come running for food. Otherwise they'll chew your house to bits. My friend, the person who I'm getting mine from has had real trouble with his first lot. They chew glass and everything.

I'm sure you could make your own toys, try timber merchants for off cuts of wood etc.
Them in the old cage



Can't get any clear ones with them in their new cage at the moment.
Ye, they are very funny to watch, so cute :rolleyes:
They were just moved in to a new cage on friday, and keep chewing the bars.

I'm getting a load of shelves off ebay, i've already got a hammock, couple ledges, ladder, but the cage they are in now is much bigger and it looks empty :blink:
Its 142cm x 94cm x 60cm

I was also going to try to make something out of a coconut
Oh yeah!! They are fantastic! Always wanted some, but the dogs would go crackers!!! :lol:
Hi Amy
They are so cute, I have 4 Degus too, all brothers.
Although one is now in a seperate cage as he became to aggressive with his siblings.

Mine love apple tree branches, and enjoy chewing through boxes which are filled with hay and a few hidden degu treats which keeps them very occupied lol :)
Hi Amy
They are so cute, I have 4 Degus too, all brothers.
Although one is now in a seperate cage as he became to aggressive with his siblings.

Mine love apple tree branches, and enjoy chewing through boxes which are filled with hay and a few hidden degu treats which keeps them very occupied lol :)

Oki thanks
One is actually the dad, who has previously had a cataracts operation :(
You can see from his eyes in pic2

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