My Dachshund


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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Hi, i have a 4year old dachshund who i love to bits, heres a pic of her --> Betty1.jpg

my sister also has a dachshund who unforuatly happens to epileptic... but there still both cute...
What a cutey! My dog, Chloe, is also epileptic. She would have sesiurs 4 and 5 times a day. We took her to the vet and they got her started on a medication and she has not had one sesiure since. Maybe medicine (sorry I forgot the name) would be as sigsessfull with your sisters dog.
yh our epileptic dog is on medication but she still has fits every now and then, although i think that is to do with the fact that she forgets to give her the pills sometimes. (Stupid sister!) but she gets moaned at when ever she doesnt give her the medication, and has to look after Latte (her name) when ever she has a fit....
The little girl up the top in the picture is called Betty, she was in the bath when i took that picture.... :thumbs:

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