My Cube (Ish) Tank

Those loaches are awesome! Hidden in the sand like that :wub: :wub:

Tank looks awesome, I love nice clear braceless aquariums like yours. :)

Also, those keyholes look rather suspicious... wonder what they're up to in that plant pot :shifty:
They are by far my favourites (loach) never stay still, and the way they cna just dissapear under the sand like that! amazing.
It's a very nice tank, was built for venomous snakes so is extra strong.
hahaha, they are only 3" long, dirty little mites :rolleyes:

Thanks for the comments :)
Love the loaches, saw some at my LFS at the weekend!
(but sadly they need warmer temps than any of my tanks cuurently have).

Sounds like you are going to have fun catching them for an upgrade to a 5-foot tank at some point, given their ~20cm adult size! ;) (Profile above strongly suggests placing them straight into their long term home right from the off)
looking sweet love the loaches
nice looking tank looks
a lot better now its
I really like this tank and the fish in there

Keyholes are so cute and the horseface loaches I have never kept them but they look great

well done :good:
Thanks a lot guys, really appreciate the comments as this tank is my pride and joy lately, the Horsface loach, their are about 5 different sub species and these are the ones reaching 5" max, but obviously if thats wrong i'll be upgrading to a 4x2x2 and MAYBE have to cut the group down, long time before i need to do this though.

Which fertilisers are the best to use? i've been told Saechem are great, but would like other options too to compare results.
I'll be adding CO2 around January to get the plant looking better,
I've found an option on my camera which is amazing, it snaps pictures, washes out all colours but the green on the plants which gets reflected slightly in the tank, i'm going to get a good shot today and upload it.

Thanks again for the comments guys, really appreciated
Got a pic of the male and the presumed female Keyhole.


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Good looking fish you have though sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I think pretty much all the plants you still have in there are non aquatics.

The tank contents were transfered into a 4x2x2,along with a trio of Geophagus Deamon, 4 Bosmeani Rainbowfish, 2 Preacox, 4 Congo Tetra, and several loach etc...

The Keyholes got moved back over after they showed agression toward the Deamon.

In the tank now are:
1 Altum Angel (4" deep)
2 Keyholes
5 Zebra danio (one is actually a leopard/long fin)
1 Giant Danio (freeby, plan on adding to 4ft when i can find it some freinds!)
4 Madagascan Rainbowfish
2 Snakeskin Gourami(probably not the best purchase i've made recently)
1 Rainbow Shark
3 Zebra loach.
1 common plec (6" at the moment)

Probably overstocked, but they all seem happy enough, and theirs now an external filter on the tank :good:

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