My Corys Have Kept Me Busy This Morning...


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
I've been wanting to add my 17 panda fry to the fry tank from the net,but with growing bronze youngsters in the fry tank i thought the bigger ones would be too much for wee fry...

So after gradually turning the gourami tank temp down the past few days i have added the 12 larger bronze youngsters in there for the time being,i then released the panda fry into fry tank with the remaining smaller bronze.

On passing the main tank,i noticed my big mamma albino has decided to plaster eggs everywhere :rolleyes: so then spent the next hour on & off collecting 100+ eggs with the pandas helping to clear them by munching them ...

Big mamma is still racing around the tank :rolleyes:

The good news in the bronze youngsters are loving it with the gouramis having great fun zooming around,even the gouramis are joining them :lol:
and the wee pandas are alot more active with more room to play.... :nod:

So well worth the last 3 hours messing about :lol:
Congrats :good: . I often spend hours collecting my Peppered eggs as the different girls like plastering their eggs in different places throughout the tank. I just wish one of the girls wasn't so nimble as to put the eggs behind the filter inlet pipe.
Wow, congratulations Harlequins!

Sounds like Corydoras city! How many have you got now? How many species including fry?

I recently (3-4 weeks ago) acquired 8 Corydoras trilineatus or 'False Julii's as they are often referred to. Love them, great active little things with beautiful markings. Surprised how cheap they were (when compared to other Corydoras) I'd love them to breed, but I think my tank is far too busy for the eggs to survive :good:

Thanks guys :)

I have atm cory wise i have-
15 Tri's(8 offspring i kept,also sold around 25 to lfs)
9 Pandas + 17 fry
3 albinos + 2x6 month Bronze juvis in main tank & 25 bronze younsters between gourami/fry tank.Albinos have been producing alot of bronze babies lately :),sold around 60 albino younsters.Now have 100+ eggs :)
6 gold strip - have bred but haven't been sucessful with babes yet.
6 skunks
6 Black schultzis
15 pygmys - kept 5 youngsters
1 habrosus

I think thats it,just a few :lol:

Tri's hide their eggs really well,mine hide under plants etc,they make it hard work to find any :lol:
Update all panda fry & juvi's have settled well and doing fine,and thankfully the gouramis don't mind mini cories zooming around the tank :lol:
Wow, you're lucky to have all these wonderful fish, and to get the breeding too. I wish you lived closer to the midlands, i would be definately interested in some. My bronze laid eggs last weekend. I tried to scrape them off and put them in a floating breeding tank but the eggs dissapeared a few days later.

Keep up the good work mate. :good:
Wow, you're lucky to have all these wonderful fish, and to get the breeding too. I wish you lived closer to the midlands, i would be definately interested in some. My bronze laid eggs last weekend. I tried to scrape them off and put them in a floating breeding tank but the eggs dissapeared a few days later.

Keep up the good work mate. :good:

congratz harlaquins i personally think your the most sucessfull cory breeder i have ever spoke 2 lol great job

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