Oh god... I went to go feed my fish tonight when I noticed my corydora was stuck to the filter intake and not moving... There is a piece of sponge fitted around the filter so my neons wouldn't get sucked up, but wouldn't you know it, there was a tiny teeny hole in the sponge, and of all fish, my corydora got his face stuck in it. I turned off the filter and gave him a gentle prod and he wiggled himself free. And his face looked horrible! The mouth area with the suckers is completely pulled forward and there's some red splotches(blood?). He just sort of crash landed into the plants after that. His whole head looked sort of swollen and red. These corydoras have been driving me nuts lately... I don't know if it was sick and got sucked up since it was tired or if it was just a freak occurance. They've also been doing this air gulping thing all the time (Link to the topic I made about it)
Do you think he'll get better? I don't even know if he can eat with a mouth like that and I gave up on feeding for tonight. I feel like an idiot now but there's nothing I really could or can do besides patch up that hole. None of the tiny neons got sucked up, but somehow a 2 inch fish managed to get its head stuck?? Very strange.
Do you think he'll get better? I don't even know if he can eat with a mouth like that and I gave up on feeding for tonight. I feel like an idiot now but there's nothing I really could or can do besides patch up that hole. None of the tiny neons got sucked up, but somehow a 2 inch fish managed to get its head stuck?? Very strange.