My corydoras are dying :(

only ramshorns and mysteries, mysteries get sold to shops and ramshorns are food for loaches and because I have been inbreeding them for yrs and have some cool spotty ones with red shells. The snails have their own tanks.
only ramshorns and mysteries, mysteries get sold to shops and ramshorns are food for loaches and because I have been inbreeding them for yrs and have some cool spotty ones with red shells. The snails have their own tanks.

Can you tell me a little about them since you've had them for so long? I have had some snails before but they just came on plants and I never really wanted them. I had cories instead but they have just died so I wanted a replacement of some kind that didn't involve getting more fish before I got the new tank set up.

The blue and red ramshorn snails look cool! Do they reproduce by themselves??
Ramshorn and pond snails lay clusters of clear jelly like eggs underwater on plants, glass, ornaments, etc. They breed readily and can be a pain because they build up in numbers and start eating plants. They also eat fish eggs so you don't want snails in breeding tanks. However, they are easy to remove from a tank so aren't hard to control.

Mystery/ apple snails lay clusters of white/ cream coloured eggs just above the water surface, usually on plants or the coverglass. The eggs remain humid but not wet, and when they hatch, the baby snails drop into the water. These snails do not breed as readily as the other snails and require better water quality than the other snails. However, they are brighter colour and get much bigger (about 2-3inches diameter) so make interesting pets.

Most freshwater snails are scavengers and eat anything from fish food, dead fish, algae, plants, whatever is available. They generally do not harm fish, although some can act as an intermediate host for some internal fish parasites. But that is pretty uncommon in aquarium raised snails. Snails from ponds that have water birds are commonly used as intermediate hosts for fish parasites, water birds being part of the parasite's lifecycle.
The Mystery snail (Pomacea bridgesii, these wont eat live plants) make great pets in their own right and apart from good water conditions require nothing but food, Plants and even substrate are optional and they dont care about the lighting.

But be warned a well cared for mystery snail grows big and live for 3 or more years.

Well thanks for all the advice about the snails!! I can't seem to find them in the shops over here. They only seem to have the mystery snails (yellow ones). I got one of these but when I actually find a Malaysian Livebearing snail I can take my yellow one to work as we have an aquarium there with goldfish and another type of catfish maybe. I like the idea of the malaysian livebearing snail.
I just did a google search for "malaysian trumpet snails australia" and got several hits from fish shops that sell them. I didn't look on ebay because I wouldn't want you to be caught illegally importing livestock. There is no problem with mailing them. That's how I got my first 4 around 20 years ago.
Go into your local Pet Barn they will have them in their tanks, buy a cheap plant and ask the shop assistant to throw in a few MTS, the chances are there will also be a few on the plants.

I can also mail you a few free of charge.
laws have changed during the last 20years and it is illegal to deal, sell, supply, or handle noxious species in Australia.
Go into your local Pet Barn they will have them in their tanks, buy a cheap plant and ask the shop assistant to throw in a few MTS, the chances are there will also be a few on the plants.

I can also mail you a few free of charge.

I'm not sure I'm comfortable with buying some if they are illegal. They must be illegal for a reason
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If they are so illegal why arent the people selling them being prosecuted?

I want to see a link to a DPI page saying they are banned.

Did you know that technically the common red cherry shrimp is illegal in Australia? And yet you can buy them anywhere.
There is a difference between illegal to import into Australia, and a noxious species. All shrimp are illegal to bring into the country but if they are here you can keep them and sell/ trade them.

A noxious species is a species that is deemed to be dangerous or bad for the environment if it escapes into the wild, and is subsequently classified as noxious, meaning you can't keep them or bring them into the country.

Cane toads should be classified as noxious but they are too wide spread across the country, and if an animal is considered noxious the government is meant to make arrangements to try and eradicate them from the country. They rarely if ever manage to do that and a classic fish example is Gambusia. They are declared noxious but the government is doing nothing to try and remove them from the environment.
Show me a river with a perfect fine sand bottom.

Ripples runs and holes

In over 40 years I've never seen a barb lost to gavel
Show me a river with a perfect fine sand bottom.

Ripples runs and holes

In over 40 years I've never seen a barb lost to gavel

are you talking about the photos of my tank when I replaced it with sand?? If so I just had put it in and then let it settle by itself. It's got hills and stuff now. It's not as flat as it was in the photo.
I have noticed my neon tetras have white flecks on their fins, around their mouth and one has it on its body -could my tetras infected my cories??

What is it and what should I do about it?
if one fish in a tank has a disease, any fish in the tank can catch it. The only exception being tumors in individual fish. So yes, if your Corydoras have a disease, then the tetras could catch it.

If you can post a couple of photos of the neons we will have more chance of identifying the problem :)

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