My Cories have been spending to much time

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Hi Polardbear :)

The new fry are pretty small, much smaller than any of the livebearers' fry.

If you are lucky, you might get to see them hatch. It will look like the eggs have grown tails. Then the fry will fall to the bottom of the tank leaving the residue of the eggs on the glass. When they have finished, you can wipe it away with a clean sponge or cloth.

As for the other eggs, you waited too long to move them and they firmed up too much to be sticky. This doesn't mean they won't hatch though. Don't forget that in their natural habitat they are doing this in the middle of their spring run offs when the rivers are filled by the melting snow from the mountains. I don't think the natural conditions are as gentle as being spawned in your tank is. Once the first batch of eggs has hatched, you can reduce the amount of current too. If these new ones make it, think of them as a bonus.

The eggs will change in appearance and it sounds like yours are still in good condition. If they were bad and getting fungus, you would know the difference immediately. :D

I can't wait until you post back that they have hatched! :thumbs:
EDIT: dont even read the following..i just saw the image - i defintly have had peppered cory eggs in the past too - too bad for the danios and tetras -_-

what exactly do the cory eggs look like? are they clear and quite a bit larger than snail eggs? do they scatter them? i have 4 peppered cories and they do this type of behavior quite often...just a week ago i noticed eggs scattered everywhere on the back side of the tank on the glass and just assumed they must be snails eggs although they were pretty big.....
abstract - There's a picture of my eggs a few posts back in this thread.

So this morning some of the eggs have turned fuzzy. :/

There's still about a dozen that look ok and I noticed 2 that look like they have holes in them, kind of like a popped balloon. I've been looking at the tank with a magnafying glass but I couldn't see any signs of movement. But, then again, I need to use the magnafying glass to get a good look at my swordtail fry any more so it's more than possible I missed them (if they are there). I'm going to keep the aeration going for another day at least and see how things look. In the meantime the herd of corys are being conditioned for another go at it.
abstract said:
what exactly do the cory eggs look like? are they clear and quite a bit larger than snail eggs? do they scatter them? i have 4 peppered cories and they do this type of behavior quite often...just a week ago i noticed eggs scattered everywhere on the back side of the tank on the glass and just assumed they must be snails eggs although they were pretty big.....
Hi abstract :)

It sure sounds to me like your corys have been spawning! :thumbs:

Here's another picture that shows how they look on the side of a tank:

Is that how yours looked? :unsure:
Hi Polardbear :)

It's too bad that some of the eggs are lost, but it's a good sign that some are still looking good. Perhaps they will hatch tomorrow. How do the second batch you put in look? :unsure:

They are pretty small, and probably a dark color. Try looking around the edges of the tank for them. Mine always seem to huddle together in the corners for the first few days. :D
yes, thats how mine looked but a little more now i have breeding rams and cories in my 20 long, too bad the tetras and danios are in there or maybe some of this spawning would turn out successful
Hi abstract :)

Why not set up a little 10 gallon breeding tank for your corys? :unsure: It's not hard to do, or terribly expensive, and raising a batch of little corys is an experience well worth the effort. :thumbs:
:kana: Woohoo!!! :kana: We've got babies!!

So far I've spotted 5 of the little guys - my God they are tiny! I checked the tank when I got home at 6:30 this morning but couldn't find anything. Played around with my other tanks for a while and was sitting in front of my 75 gal tank watching the swordies being silly and I just happened to catch a glimpse of movement in the 10 gallon. Thinking I was probably imaging it I put on my reading glasses and pressed my nose up against the tank to look, sure enough, there hovering like a little tiny helicopter was an itty bitty cory. Then I spotted another, and another and another! It took me about another half hour and I spotted the 5th one. They are so cool looking!

I sure wish the microworm culture I ordered would get here! All I have right now is Wardley Small Fry liquid food and freshly hatched baby brine shrimp. Hopefully the culture will arrive in todays mail. Inchworm - how long can they get by on the liquid food?
Awesome polardbear!! This is so exciting!!

Oh, for future reference, there is a guy in Glendale that sells microworm cultures for a reasonable price. His aquabid name is Sport_fn. I've bought fish from him and been happy, have not bought microworms or other live foods but I'm sure his stock is good.
Thanks Mam - I'll make a note of that. I had called around to a few places but no one had any so I decided to just order one. Do you ever wonder why it's so darn hard to find fish stuff in Phoenix? It seems like every time I need something there's not a store in town that has it. Sometimes I miss living in Los Angeles, at least in L.A. there were a few hundred LFS versus our measly little handfull.
Congratulations Polardbear :thumbs:

I don't know from experience how long the fry can eat the Liquifry and thrive, but I think you should be able to feed them the bbs before long. They must be very tiny things judging from the size of the eggs, so give them a try after a week or so.
It will take a while for your microworm culture to multiply anyway. If neither of these work out you can try flake food early.

Are there any more eggs to be hatched? :unsure:
There's 2 or 3 more eggs that look like they might be hatchable, hopefully they'll hatch in the next few hours. I must have just missed seeing them hatch today, the eggs were still solid when I first checked them at 6:30 and now I can tell which eggs they came out. (They look like broken eggs :lol: )

Should I keep the airstones going for the rest of the day for the few eggs that might still hatch? The 5 little ones seem to be doing ok with the current, they are sitting around the edges like you said your's do and every once in a while one will rise up and move around a little. They aren't getting blown around or anything.
Tried taking a few pictures but they are so tiny it's really difficult to focus on them. Not great photos but here's a couple shots, will try to get some better ones later.


Aw! They are cute! I heard some people suggest taking hard boiled egg yolk, smushing it and mixing it with water to make a fry food. It was suggested for Angels though so I dont know if it applies to Corys... -_-

Good Luck! :D

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