My Confused C. Sterbai


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I had a fungal infection a bit back in the tank with Brochis splenden, sterbai, albino peppers, and harlequin Rasaboras. I lost a large portion of the Rasaboras. I moved the remaining Ras's, 2 Brochis and 1 sterbai to hospital. One of the Brochis didn't recover.

So the remaining Brochis and the lonely sterbai joined up after awhile and became fast pals. Later I put my Mama Pepper in for a much deserved rest from her men.

I have now put the pepper back in the community tank with her clan and the sterbai and Brochis have returned to their tank.

But now the sterbai thinks she's a Brochis. Where ever they go she goes. The poor thing has totally lost her identity! :lol: :lol: :lol: Poor confused thing~
Sorry to hear that you got some issue in your tank, you are not a lone. In the past week my Weitzmani, Panda and C 121 got Fungus problem. Start with Weitzmani then C 121 and Panda.

Weitzmani much better also C 121 but Panda didn't to well lost a few adult and young one. Weitzmani [1] now with C 121 and not quite happy looks but he is recover.

It's look like a few people have problem with their cories this time of the year, I have been communication [phone] with Inchworm she still fight with here cories issue.

I wishing your Brochis and Sterbai recover soon also Rasaboras. And know how you feel to see fish sick. :sad: :sad: What do you using for fungal infection?
I have been using Mardel's Maroxy. I like Mardel because it doesn't affect the filtration and so cause further problems. The sterbai has a small white spot still, but it has not gotten worse. I am now giving her once a day salt baths to get rid of the little remaining spot. I have a new forty set up for some of these guys. It will take the stress off for them. I have the long finned albino peppers, sterbai, melanotaenia, and Brochis together in there. It is stretched and with more long fins to come, I need to increase accommodations.

Hopefully the confused sterbai will not have a love sick breakdown, when she gets separated from her Brochis friend.

My aeneus now have a fungal infection in my forty gallon with my pulchers, virginiea, armatus, leucomelas, and bronze. The tank is frankly overstocked because the aeneus keep presenting me with volunteer fry, the little stumpets. I have set up a 10 usg tonight and will get the affected ones out tomorrow. I believe I will do around of medication on the forty after a water change as well as treating the 10 usg. I am debating a salt addition to the forty also for a short round, as well as some salt in the 10. One of the bronze is looking pretty bad. I will probably also give him salt baths.

I am sorry to hear about Inchworm. And your issues too. This seems to be a bad time of year for the fish: mid summer and mid winter.

What do you treat with?

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