OK its been doing this for a while, for some reason without warning it just suddenley turns off - pooof gone. Turn it back on and it then runs a system check FAT32 whatever that is.
Also cant get it to run a full scan, half way thru the scan it just shuts off - no virus found on Avast or AVG - when it runs them - absolutely hates norton soon as that starts it shuts off - so Ive deleted norton and re-installed AVG.
Any idea what it is, how I can sort it out.?
Have run ccleaner, check the hard drive for anything suspect - cant find anything.
Its driving me nuts - can be half way thru something and then everything shuts off!!!
Also cant get it to run a full scan, half way thru the scan it just shuts off - no virus found on Avast or AVG - when it runs them - absolutely hates norton soon as that starts it shuts off - so Ive deleted norton and re-installed AVG.
Any idea what it is, how I can sort it out.?
Have run ccleaner, check the hard drive for anything suspect - cant find anything.
Its driving me nuts - can be half way thru something and then everything shuts off!!!