My Clowns.... Thriving....


Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2005
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ok well so i had to take my clowns (as well as the other fish) out of my 55 gal for a complete redo, because well i just didnt like the way it was.. so i put them in a 10 gal community temporarily, which they have been in for about 1 and a half weeks so far... (waiting for my 55 to mature) and so i was watching them earlier, and they seemed extreamely active and happy, their colors were nice and dark, come out for food all the time... and are even more active during daytime... do you think im doing somthing good for them in there? because i always here they should be in bigger tanks...
all of my water perimeters are great, no ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels good.. everything is ship shape...
Don't knock it! :lol: If they're happy it's always good but (There's always a 'but' eh) they'll soon start to show signs of unhappiness as they grow. Most fish will put up with a smaller tank then they truly need short term. But eventually it'll backfire. The exception being one of my catfish who couldn't cope in a small tank for even half an hour while I sorted things out in t'other tank. Jumped into the smegging filter. :X Fortunately he was fine and I got him into his current home. :rolleyes: He's a character tho. If somewhat daft.
all of my water perimeters are great, no ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels good.. everything is ship shape...

What are your nitrite levels exactly? There should be no nitrites in a mature or healthy tank no matter how little there may be.

You should not have anything bigger than 3inchs in a 10gal realy, the clown loachs will be ok as long as they are small but the reason why it is advised they go in large tanks is because they can grow to a foot long, although it takes a while, they will be ok as short term tempory residents but definatly not long term ones.
Clown loachs are also long term investment fish so to speak, because they can live up to 40yrs+, so be prepared to have them around for a while :) .
nitrites are zero. and they are about 1 and a half inches so i think they will be fine for a while..
You are definitely doing the right thing. There's no reason for them NOT to be happy in a 10G at that size as long as they go back in the 55 when it's ready, you have nothing to worry about. Much better they are in a 10G than a tank which (I'm assuming) is cycling.

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