My Chubby Man


Fish Addict
May 3, 2005
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DeRidder, LA
Wuv's post inspired me to post about my chubby lil guy. Well... he's a bit chubbier than her pup is.. :lol: His name is Bandit and he is 7 years old. We (the vets and I) just don't know what to do with him! He doesn't eat much at all, but he's the laziest dog in the world. He loves to go outside, but once he gets out there, he finds a patch of sun and just spreads out and sunbathes. I try to walk him, but we barely make it around the block before he puts the breaks on and won't go anymore. He just dead refuses to move, and I have to carry all 20 pounds of him home. Ah well, I still think he's cute. I just worry about his health and wish there was something that I could do to motivate him. The vets say that it's probably just part of his personality, and we won't be able to do much to change it. Silly, lazy butt. :wub: Anyway, here's a pic of him just being himself.

What an adorable little Roley poley!! Some dogs just hate walks. My two little ones could care less when I've got the leash out.
Oh he loves his leash because it means "outside" and "bye bye." He just likes to wear it while he's laying on the ground and riding in the car... :lol:
He's a butterball! I don't blame you for worrying about his health at all. I had a dog that hardly ate much and exercised all the time, but she just couldn't shed the weight! Maybe she had a thyroid problem? :dunno: Anyway, Bandit's a cutie! Do you have any other pics of him?
I found a couple on my fiance's computer. There are more on my computer, but I can't get to them right now.

Bandit: Up-close and Personal

Bandit after unpacking my suitcase when I got back from 2 weeks in London. I guess he didn't want me to leave again.

Bandit comforting Rigby during her first bath in "the big tub."

Bandit hugging baby Rigby... though you can't see much of her.
omg'sh, that pic of him hugging baby Rigby is just too cute, I fell in love with him in the first pic, but that last pic put me over the top! What a doll :wub:
Dave - He's been called lots of names, but never that one before.

JD - Rigs was the cutest puppy ever, wasn't she? I got to watch her grow up from a few hours after she was born.

AngelLady - Yeah...he's pretty fat.

Wuv- You can't help but love the little guy. He's a nut! He can't hug Rigby like that anymore... She's much bigger than he is and she doesn't stay still long enough. Now she just jumps on him and smashes him! :lol:

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