My cat is acting strange

Wow reading through this forum I can just here the arguments flying, but I'm glad everything is settled. In my humble CANADIAN (why not bring some non-UK or US blood into the convo) opinion whne your cat is old enough and you are ready to breed her, choose carefully, try and find someone you know that has a healthy male cat rather than having kittens with an unknown history. I feel it doesn't matter about mixed breeding (by the way the UK terms up here we just call them mutts or heinz 57s), mixed breeds often have less health problems and personally are more cute (they seem to take the best traits of all breeds).
i love it!
people voicing their opinions...come on guys, how great is this?? think of all the people that cannot do this very thing and lets count our blessings.
also, the "lives not decorations" is a great sentiment.
(by the way, i have four cats, three of them are 16 years old and one is 12).
well said Terri, it is only by open debate (sometimes heated) that we can progress on to greater understanding. Where would we be if we all meekly followed the crowd and were not afraid to speak our minds.


samseal said:
Thanks Erised,

Will get my cleaning stuff ready.I will keep her indoors now I didn't realise that she was too young.

She just scampered through the cat flap at an almighty rate and the dog ended up chasing something down the garden.Looks like the local boys are calling already,

Will keep my little girl under lock and key

A female cat goes into heat at 8 months of age most of the time. I have twenty cats I think this is right up my alley. I hate to break this to you but with my experience of keeping cats once they start this going in to heat they will do this quite often. If you want babie kittens I would advise you to let the cat wait until she is a year and a half by this time she is all grown up and ready for babies then. But if I were you I would get the cat spayed. Because take it from me if you are anything like me you wont give away one kitten and that is what led me to have 20 cats. I take in the unwanted cats and one got with one of my male cats and believe it or not I had a appointment to take the cat to be fixed the next day. But I was to late. I hope this helps you some...
Wow I just posted on this based on the first post made by the lady who asked the question, I had no Ideal this was this heated. Anyway I am sorry for looking so stupid with my answer I guess from now on I will stay out of these opinions these are all good ones, Although RandomWiktor you do come on quite strong and it hurts peoples feelings when you make them feel dumb. And you do have great advice but if i were you I would be less hateful with it. You had me boiling yesterday with my ferret. Some people dont like to be put down because they dont know something about a animal. You would make a great vet. Have you ever thought about this because you do seem to know your stuff when it comes to animals.
Here's a little trivia for you.

Female domestic cats are called 'Queens'
Because in medieval English 'quaen' was a word meaning whore or prostitute, refering to the..ahem.. provocative behaviour a cat in season displays and her willingness to mate with multiple partners.

Also, having mated with several Toms, the kittens in the subsequent litter can all have different fathers!

And one other thing...
Discussion is fine, but please respect that other people have different opinions, experiances and even cultures
If this thread falls to argument it will be closed.
AngelLady - there is no need to drag what happened in a different thread into this argument; samseal and I have settled our differences. ;) And thankyou for the compliment on the vet aspect; that is currently what I am in school for. :thumbs:

As a note to anyone further posting, this this is dated; she made another thread (Monkey Madness) asking how often cats went in and out of estrus, since Monkey's heat cycle has temporarily ended. It also asked for advice on how to calm the symptoms. If anyone has advice on this, since we've established she'll probably be back in heat within a week or so, check out that thread, I'm sure samseal would appreciate it. ;)

((I think I am going to put way more smiley faces in my posts from now on. I think sometimes my bluntness makes me comments come off as far more rude than intended, since connotation can not be conveyed via text))
Just for the record, Monkey if fine now, she is back to her old cheeky self!
I appreciate that I encited some sort of cat/kitten argument and I am sorry for that as it caused such an argument.

You have to admit its is kind of funny in a "fish forum" !

My advice- Random- Chill a little and learn to deal with people as well as you deal with animals.You are truly gifted, but let me assure that you that bedside manner makes all the difference.

e.g.-I had 2 brain tumourS and all the c**P that, I had 2 neurosurgens,Very fantastic at their jobs.both saved my life.However, the one who talked to me like I was an understanding, intelligent person is my favourite.

As I mentioned efor I am sure you will be a fantastic vet., you just need to learn a little bedside manner.

I mean this in the nicest and most constructive wayYou have great knowledge and wisdom in life saving but you deliver in a way that can be both partonising and condensending/Do not asume that people don't care as much as you do.

Please do not take this as a critcism but as constructive.Do not make as many assumptions as you appear to.

Advice taken, though as mentioned, I do feel that some assumptions were made not just by me, but by others in regards to my intentions and tone (perhaps not as much in this thread, but in others; I admit I was rather frustrated in posting here and thus, was a bit rude at times). I'd pull the "and I'm only 19" card, but I really don't think age is an excuse for hot-headedness, though perhaps it could account for my lesser degree of experience working with people. Oh, forget it; I'm not going to write off misconduct that is probably just part of my personality.
It is very easy for things to become heated when discussing animals, especially on a medium like the internet when we aren't face to face with a human being, the individual is an absolute stranger (and are thus unaware of what level of knowledge the possess), are unable to assess the situation in full, etc.
I also am starting to get the feeling that cultural/locational differences have an impact on how advice is interpreted; I've noticed in general on forums everywhere, non-US citizens are often more offended by my tone than US citizens, likely because we're not known for being polite in this country. :lol:

Very sorry to hear about the brain tumors! That can be quite a frightening ordeal, though it sounds like you had good medical professionals. I was diagnosed with bran lessions last year and that alone was quite the scare.

And, I do agree, this is an interesting debate for a Fish Forum.

edit: also, just as an afterthought - I think one of the reasons I come off as condescending is that sometimes we have to be in dealing with clients; you'd be amazed at the number of people who don't even consider things such as "you need to adjust a dog's collar as it grows" or "don't feed chocolate to your cat" etc. Darn, only one year down and they're already doing a darn fine job of training us to talk to everyone as though they are imbeciles. :lol:
I will agree this is a fish forum, But this does state that this is the PET SECTION and this is what you are supposed to talk about is pets.. I am glad everone is getting these things lined out without have to anger in all of the posts. And if you are only 19 then I think a vet would be a great field for you to check out, because you seem to care about animals and after all this is what this section is all about. And I disagree with what you said about the US too people do care about whether people are rude to them too.
You know, once the chat forum comes back, we can make a thread debating me in general, but perhaps this is getting a bit O/T now? ;)

I was saying that I've just observed that people in the US that I've talked with online seem to not get offended by my comments as often. I wasn't saying that they love being talked to rudely, I was just saying that cultural differences may have some impact on how posts were interpreted. I also put a little laughing face to indicate that I was at least partially joking about people in the US being used to rude people since we're known for not being the most polite of folk internationally. Eeek, I feel like nothing I say here is interpreted the way I intend it, but I suppose that's a problem with me if everyone is misinterpreting me, not just a few people... but I digress. For example, over here, you would be considered irresponsible for not spaying a cat because we are massively overpopulated, so it wouldn't be considered something outrageously rude to call someone irresponsible for not spaying/nuetering. However, other countries that do not have a pet overpopulation issue to the magnitude that the US does may not think it is very irresponsible at all to let your cat go unsterilized.

I am definately doing veterinary; right now I have just completed a year in a vet tech school to ensure it was my field of choice, and after I am a CVT next year, I'm off to vet school.
Completely off topic comment and I hope this isn't inappropriate, but I would like to state that compared to another pet board I'm a member of (which is primarily made up of US and Canadian citizens), RW's tone was quite calm and polite sounding to me. This is only because I've seen how heated people can get over animal welfare and it isn't pretty. I don't think it's that Americans don't care if people are rude, I think it's just more normal for Americans to ACT rude than some cultures :*). Believe me, I'm not always particularly proud of American culture. To me, RW's comments did not seem overly rude, perhaps a few instances of wording could have been changed but I'm certainly not going to claim being better about it. I'll just say I'm glad you asked about this here, and not at one of the other less gentle boards I've seen ;). I do agree having good manners and not behaving in a condescending manner is best for relaying information, but I don't think RW deliberately was trying to behave in a superior manner. :) I'm very glad differences were able to be worked out and information passed along. I wish the best for you and Monkey :)

Edit: Sorry RW, was posting as you were.
The differences between cultures us amazing..
But for a moment I will talk of the difference between US nd UK.We basically speak the same words,although there are many differences, but we do not necessarily speak the same language.

The US way of speaking can sometimes be taken as brash and objectionable.
The UK way of speaking can sometimes be taken as uptight and uppity.

We all want the same things here, care for animals. and I hope caring about each other.Ok the odd sentence . the odd phrase from either part can cause offence.
In the scheme of things its not important. we all care!

Lets just face it

If the US understood irony a little better and the UK understood brashness as honesty then life here would be easier.Let's respect our differences !

Haiku - NP, glad someone knows where I'm coming from with this ;)

Samseal: Well said :thumbs:

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