My C. brichardi are Parents!

Still doing fine. There appear to be less fry today but I never see any Mbuna go near. May be natural attrition or could be they're not getting enough food? The still haven't grown very much. My angelfish fry grow faster.
Still around but growing slowly. They hide in the rocks now. Anybody know how fast brichardi fry normally grow?
My book says eight months to sexual maturity, about 1.6in...if that helps. :unsure:
More fry today! Notice the older siblings at the top of the picture. Will the parents eat the older sibs? Will the older sibs eat their younger brethren? Stay tuned.

How can I catch some fry without disturbing rocks or nest?
Male drove female away from fry right after a water change. Is there any connection? He took her back a week later but it's time for another water change!

Does NitraSorb resin work in hard water?

Broadband video of my Brichardi family.

Brichardi Video 2.5 megs

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