My Bunny And Guinea Pig


Jan 28, 2007
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this is my bunny. she lives with my guinea pig lol.





hope u like :)

ps bunnys called maple and the guinea pig is called smudge lolz
hi they are both gurls. they both get on absoulutely fine. no violence or anything. they even sleep in the sun together :wub:
theres no reason why rabbits and guinea pigs cant be kept together, as long as you make sure everything is well daily and everything is running smoothly. my guinea pigs and bunnies are fine together.
the rabbit hutch looks a little small james, could you get a picture from the outside?
but both looking well, nice colors too, i always like the scruffy guinea pigs,lol
the hutch itself os 4 foot long i think. will check tomoz. also we are planning on building a bigger hutch soon.
theres no reason why rabbits and guinea pigs cant be kept together, as long as you make sure everything is well daily and everything is running smoothly.
If you have them together what do you feed them?
it can just take an accidental kick when a rabbit is playing and it could well be the end of the guinea pig.
All guinea pig rescues myself included refuse to rehome a guinea pig to live as a companion for a rabbit
"All guinea pig rescues myself included refuse to rehome a guinea pig to live as a companion for a rabbit "
maybe the reason why you have so many guinea pigs in your care?
maybe an accidental kick from a rabbit could be the end of the piggy, but its like saying you shouldnt feed the guinea pig food incase it chokes or dont give it toys incase it climbs and fall off them awkwardly and break a bone. all "could happens" no defently going to happens. but as it happens, my guinea pigs are with neverland dwarfs, the smallest breed of rabbit. and i belive aslong as both animals have a place to hide where the other can not get at it, everything should be ok. i have a box with a low hole in it for the guinea pigs and the bunny cant get into it, and another box with the top cut off for the bunny to jump into.
i feed burgess guinea pig excell mixed with burgess junior and dwarf. half of each. with a ton of fruit and veg each day and plenty of treats. lots of hay and fresh water daily.
I agree with Graham Rabbits and Guinea Pigs should not be kept together, they are different species and require different requirements of food, living area etc etc. Like Graham has said they could be killed by a Rabbit kicking out, I have seen first hand the damage a rabbit did to a piggy and its not a pretty sight. Yes these are all could be's but why house them together if you know there COULD BE potential harm involved on the piggies half. If I believe correctly Pets At Home are stopping housing Rabbits and Guinea Pigs together and being sold together. I believe Guinea Pigs should live with Guinea Pigs and Rabbits should live with Rabbits. Yes a small percentage gets on together but a large percent injury the piggies. No matter the breed of Rabbit Neverland Dwarf could damage a piggy, sometimes piggies are used a 'sex toys' by a buck rabbit and this is unfair for the piggy.

I have 16 guinea pigs and 2 rabbits they do not live together.

Emma x
maybe the reason why you have so many guinea pigs in your care?
No the reason we have so many piggys in our care is because of irisponsible owners nothing at all to do with not allowing them to live with a rabbit.
Your right Emma P@H no longer keep them together and they have also ammended their care sheets to say they should not be kept together.
well all the things you have mensions "could" happen. but my rabbits and guinea pigs have been together for a long time now, and no problems so far. i keep an eye on things and of course i would sort something out if anything was to happen. the hutches are far larger then most pet shop bought ones and give both animals plenty of room to move.
i belive i am a reponsable owner and give them good food, clean water, lots of hay, big hutch and handle daily. none of my animals have been hurt by the others, and all are injected and nuetured.
Anyway back to the whole point of this thread! J4MES I think your guinea pig and Rabbit are beautiful thanks for sharing.

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