My Bronze Cory Is Pregnant? With Pics


& Oddballs
May 20, 2010
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My Bronze Corydora has developed a largeish belly with slight black amrks is he pregnant or ill?



BTW in real life she has a much larger belly than shown on the photos.
To be completely honest, it looks like it swallowed one of your black pieces of gravel and is now bloated. Catfish do not get "pregnant".
Looks like shes eggy to me. they dont get pregnant they just fill up with eggs then lay them and the male fertilizes them. do you have any other corys in the tank?
Oh dear thats bad ,what if the eggs are black
Watch her for a couple days to see if the black patch disappears. The black patch is whats throwing me off, the eggs will be white or have a slight pinkish tint to them. It could just be the digestive track (poo), and she could be eggy.
The black pieces in the gravel are from the substrate and are quite big, id be surprised if she DID eat it up with her tiny mouth.
Well I checked her again this morning and the black thing has kinda faded BUT the tummy is slightly larger
shes probably carrying eggs, or is constipated...put a deshelledpea into the tank it'll help her go if thats the problem, as for being big bellied, all my females are. x
looks exact the same as 4 of mine since i got them and ive had no eggs
shes probably carrying eggs, or is constipated...put a deshelledpea into the tank it'll help her go if thats the problem, as for being big bellied, all my females are. x
OK ive just added some pea for them

looks exact the same as 4 of mine since i got them and ive had no eggs

When I got 4 of the corys , absolutly none had a belly like this
After 45mins of catching her I got some better pics:




To me It looks has though she's probably carrying eggs,bronze carry eggs in a sac by their pelvic fin just before spawning...

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