My bristlenose catfish is always near the filter!!


New Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Should I get a male for her because she looks lonly!! :sad: :byebye:
Pl*cos come from rivers and streams, where there is a current. They are swimming up to the filter becuase of the current. I would add a powerhead in the tank to make it feel at ease.

Depending on the type of ple*co or size, you will not be able to distinguish whether they are male or female, until they are close to adult size. If it is a common pleco, that would be around 12". If you bought another pl*co and it happened to be a male, then they would fight each other, since they are territorial. Actually, I never really see my pl*cs fight, it's more like, one just chases the other away :D
My male bnose plec has been anything but happy since I got a female...that was only 3 days ago and I am sure he will settle down...she on the other hand is very docile.

It is pretty clear with bnoses whether they are male or female from a young soon as you can see bristles you know you have a male (females have very few if any).

I am sure he is not lonely...they are loner long as he has plenty of fresh vegies and things to eat he will be happy as larry!! :lol:

If you add a male, you can almost guarantee that there will be baby bistlenoses before too long.
You need to be sure you can deal with that correctly before adding a male.

Hang in there. You have added your male to a female with an existing territory. Mine took a while to get used to each other when I did that.
You will also see alot less of the male than the female. Just the way it is.



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