My Breeding Group Of L182 Bristlenose Any Tips


Fish Herder
Aug 6, 2008
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taunton somerset uk
hi there my breeding groupof L182 bristlenose have breed twice but the male keeps kicking out the eggs left them in there first time and they still died and this time i took them out and put them in a breeding trap and hey still died with a air line for bubbles

i have now got a fry tank set up this is wot i am running in tank and that

ph is 7.5 to 8.0 dark green
nitrite no2 0.1 clear or light pink
nitrate no3 5 clear or light pink
ammonia nh3 nh4 0.0 clear
test kit used is nutrafin test kit

have bubbles along the bk of the tank i have a eheim pro 3 2080
300 watts heater
tank is 77x17x18 around 300 ltrs
temp today is 74 f or 23deg after water change before that it was 78f
fish is 12x L182 bristlenose
L201 x1
gubbies x7
mollys x3 ?
L191 royal plec x3
clown pleco x5
swordtails x3
11 x caves
loads of bogwood

any idea's why is it just brcause they only breed twice and new to it

thx for looking
been told the L182 bristlenose like it black water so ph and the tank water needs to me softer water and ph at around 6.7-7ph by using ro water

but they have breed but eggs not lived longer then one mth ...

changing my 77x17x18 to mbuna tank soon
hi there done a gh and kh general and carbonate hardness test test kit was api
from the tap first then from fish tank
the tank has blackwater extract in was done on thursday of last wk
plus i have moved them to there own tank corner 252ltrs forgot to say early in post
around two wks ago they are in with some corys x5 clown loaches x6

tap water is
kh 2 drops =35.8 ppm
gh 5 drops = 89.5 ppm

fish tank is

kh 5drops = 89.5 ppm
gh 9 drops = 161.1 ppm

ph to day is 7.0 to 7.5 in tank
tap water ph is same 7.0 to 7.5
wot does this mean as i have no idea !!!!!!
Sounds like the male just hasn't learned yet. Given time he will take care of the eggs. If they are like the L183 they need black water to spawn in. You can buy black water extract or you can use pure peat in the filter. I was advised on my L183's to do this as they are one of the harder ones to breed successfully. Which I shouldn't have much with soft water as mine is 6.4 out of the tap.
hi just brought thisof fiebay with postage cost 24.98 all in

3 stage water filtration system

You will receive the following,

A Quick connect self sealing valve for connection to your mains water supply.
A Choice of long reach chrome faucets. (Lever or Rotary Operated)

Two metres of tubing, (more can be supplied if needed).
Housing Spanner.
Three cartridge filters perfectly matched to give you purified great tasting water.

The 3 Stages of Filtration are,

1. A 5 - Micron Sediment Filter

made from 100% Polypropylene Fibres. (Removes Dirt Sand and Rust)

3. A Granular Activated Carbon Filter

this is effective in removing Chlorine, Odour, Organic Contaminants and Pesticides.

3. A Carbon Block Filter

Composed of High Performance Carbon, (Removes Trihalomethanes, Pesticides,Volatile Organic Chemicals and 99.95% of Giardia and Cryptosporidium Cysts.

can i use it for my fish tanks let us know wot u think !!!!!!!
just been on the phone to the person i brought it from on ebay he sed its no good for wot i wanted it for but he did say can up grade to the one that will be right for us and be good for breeding Discus cost lot more money 80.00pounds on top price match but got now thee right one
so now will have a
5 Stage Reverse Osmosis RO Water Filter + Booster Pump + TDS built in!
and he match the price they are on e-bay just paid for it thru paypal will have it on monday so wot i am going to do is get it fitted and may be offering to sell for ro water by 25ltrs cheaper then the lfs charges witch is 2.50 for normal ro water but will sort that out when it comes to it lol when it comes ill take a pic of it lol

wife sed i can have it for my xmas pressie saves her going out and finding me something

i sed yes but we can all use it for drinking out from it lol oh well less now be good for getting my L182 bristlenose to breed with this.....
pic of the ro water unit that i have brought only thing not in pic is the water tank thats not in pic

5 stage ro water unit
my 5 Stage Reverse Osmosis RO Water Filter + Booster Pump + TDS built in

just turned up only thing is now finding someone who knows how to fit it lol






we are getting there its set up but not running as yet ass one of the parts is broke so waiting for it to come didnt know till to day when we started to set it up shld be up and running by tuesday hopefully
wot other fish can i put in with them was going to have discus but not going to so wld like to kno wot other fish i cld have with my L182 bristlenose black water fish
any help with wot fish be great thx

will be using the ro water unit on tuesday so will be put in tank then

ro water unit is up and running takes abt 4hours & 30 mins to do a 25ltrs of pure water start the finished so will tank me long time to do my tanks water changes but i only got 3 water buckets that hold 25ltrs in each so going to buy couple 20ltrs ones of flebay

edit it takes 3hours to do 25 ltrs so not to bad really it only does 12.5 ltrs every one hour and takes 30mins to empty the tank then it fulls up hour later then empty it again so on not to bad i think
so wot i done i tokk out 50ltrs from the corner tank where i have L182 bristlenose going to do 90% water change (190ltrs) and at ro water is this right or no ????
ro water working like a treat now fish look much matter now will be divideding the L182 bn's in to three groups in to x1m and 3xf x3 see if that works better
to give more of a change of breding see if that works be doing that next wk they will be on there own in two of the tanks one lot will be in with other fish tho will see if i can get the wife to let me have three tank with them in but two tanks will be hidden away under my big tank in the cabinet

today we have change the tank corner 252ltr tank from gravel to sand and added caves and bogwood and some plants
plus i taken nearly all the water part from abt 10% i am at the moment putting in ro water to full it up then i will be adding the fish bk in as they are at the moment in a holding tank 3ft then on friday will be putting the L182 bristlenose bk in just found a female traped found her dead dont know how ong she been there for
so now i have 3x male and 8x females going bk in tank i am hoping to put a trio in there own tank just after xmas
will add a photo of the tank was before the change and a photo after when i can in the next couple days

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