Fish Hobbyist
New Member
This is my betta fish, Zeus! I just got him and am planning to add live plants, snails, and shrimp to his 20 GALLON! Kinda wanted to show him off a little, he even came from a breeder! But also wanted to show off the tank, and ask a question or two as well. So, questions. Do you think shrimp would be okay with my agressive betta? He jumps and bites me when I feed him, he flars at me if I look at him, he loves to threaten my finger. Do you think he'd eat shrimp? What type of shrimp should I add, if any? Also, do you think zebra nerite or horned nerites are better? I've heard the horned ones can be hardier, and that the zebras might die off for no reason. I've also thought the horned ones can protect themselves with horns. Do you think they could hurt Zeus though, or that any of that even matters? Also, should I add plants to my tank or do you think that'd ruin the scape so far? Also, do you like my scape? And should I add a bottom feeder or algea eater? If so, what can I put in my 20 gallon high with no extra oxygen, a rocky bottom, and medium flow? I'd only be able to have 1 or 2 in accordance with my mom and dad. Idk, thanks in advance!