My Blue Ribbon Eel Eats! (pics And Video)

Its cool! I love the vibrant colours, is that a snowflake eel checking him out?
When I first saw his full lenght body he looked like a piece of ribbon floating around the tank, hense the name, lol!
Very cool!

Edit: I also like the tufty thing on his nose.

Emma x
Yes it is (was) a snowflake... I donated him to the LFS because he tried to pull the BR out of the pipe. As for looking like ribbon, when the BR is out and swimming around, he does look like those ribbons on the end of a stick that you wave around.
Yes, it was a snowflake... had to donate him to the LFS after he tried to pull the BR out of the pipe. And the ribbon-looks are what make him the only eel liked by many people.
You have a very beautiful tank and some gorgeous fish. I just wondered how your sea horse gets on as it looks as though you have a high turnover and from what I've read they prefer lower turnover levels. Also would like to know what species is is and any problems you've had with him.

Glad you like the looks. I believe the turnover is about 10, if I remember correctly. The seahorse is a Brazilian Orange, and has no problem with the flow, since he is so big. He gets pushed down once in a while by the jets on the top, but he likes it and swims back up to do it again. Of course, I hand feed him from a net (he gets in the net with some ghost shrimp), otherwise he would not get enough food.

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