My Blue Rams Spawned!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2005
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I got 2 pairs of blue rams a week or two ago from a local breeder. We have pretty hard water here and I've found that Ram's simply don't live long, no matter what I do if they were purchased in a LFS.

Fast forward a bit of time. Yesterday I noticed the male Ram's colors were quite different then before, and he seems to not want to move from this one spot of driftwood, he wont even leave this spot for food. I look closer... and he's protecting a pile of eggs!! And after watching them for a bit more time, I notice the female is also protecting the eggs, but her patrol area is bigger.

Today I wake up and the male and female seem to be taking turns protecting different area's, sometimes the male patrols and sometimes he tends the eggs and same with her. One is always hovering just above the eggs though. It was very interesting when the lights came on. Both parents were sleeping pretty much on the eggs.

It's very cool to see fish try to be parents and all the behaviours that come with it!! I've only seen livebearers breed before so what a welcome change. I wish I had seen them actually spawn. I defintly have a new found respect for Rams, though I already loved them!

I'm very much doubting that any of the fry, if they hatch, will live because in the community tank the eggs must stay. They are currently with neons, another pair of rams, a pair of apisto's, and some swordtails. It's planted, fairly heavily. Anyone have any thoughts?

The next day, all the eggs were gone from where they had previously been and a pleco was in the exact spot they were. I figured the plec had eaten them and that was that.

Fast forward to 30 minutes ago. I notice the pair that spawned being REALLY aggressive to all that come near the spot near where the eggs originally were. They're not hurting anyone tho, just doing a superb job at keeping all the rest of their tankmates away. SO! I look even closer. Tiny fry everywhere! I do a little squeal and happy dance. They've eaten a bunch but there still is a ton left. I think by the way things look, most if not all will get eaten by the parents.

I'll keep this thread updated with news of the babies. Maybe they can make it in this community tank. I figured it was impossible, but the eggs even hatching is pretty amazing! :)

Edit: Looking closer... they're not eating them at all! The parents are moving them back to the "nest". Cool! And the babies follow the parents!

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