My Blue Rams :d

i think u will find that it was one of the parents (or both) that devoured the eggs. it can take some time for them to get it right
i think u will find that it was one of the parents (or both) that devoured the eggs. it can take some time for them to get it right

probably cause they are young little parents, i think from this point on ill just remove them from the eggs once they are fertilized
First off, love the fish! Do you change/know your gh/kh levels? Also what size tank are you keeping them in?
First off, love the fish! Do you change/know your gh/kh levels? Also what size tank are you keeping them in?

Thank you :D sadly one of the females died two nights ago :( I treated all of my tanks for diseases as a precaution :( BUT better news! I originally bought two males and two females, they both paired up and i had each pair in separate tanks. The pair in my 40 Gallon Bow front (you can see it in my tag line) Just spawned tonight! very excited and i hope they dont eat the eggs lol i would remove the eggs BUT they were laid on the gravel so it would be too difficult.

I will be taking a water test tomorrow and let you know what my parameters are. I keep my angels and rams at 82 degrees all the time though.

Also tomorrow i will be heading to the pet shop to get another female for my lonely blue ram :(

here is a picture of the action
also my water tests are as follows (using jungle laboratory 6 in 1 test strips)

nitrates - between 0-20 ppm
nitites - close to 0 ppm
chlorines - 0 ppm
gh - around 20 ppm
kh - around 120 ppm
pH - around 6.8-7.0

they are breeding fine, but the parents are new to the breeding thing so they keep eating the eggs after about a day and a half.. gonna try to remove the eggs to my breeding tanks and raise them myself next spawning (if they lay on something easy to grab instead of the gravel lol)

i will also be treating the breeding tank with methyl blue to keep the eggs from getting fungus on them.

ill let you all know the results ( im raising about 25 zebra fish fry as a practice run right now, just hatched yesterday)
Thanks for your reply. Sorry to hear about your female, always annoying to lose females and
have a lone male. I believe good circulation (but not too much) can help keep eggs from
fungusing, provided they are fertilised of course.

also my water tests are as follows (using jungle laboratory 6 in 1 test strips)

nitrates - between 0-20 ppm
nitites - close to 0 ppm
chlorines - 0 ppm
gh - around 20 ppm
kh - around 120 ppm
pH - around 6.8-7.0

they are breeding fine, but the parents are new to the breeding thing so they keep eating the eggs after about a day and a half.. gonna try to remove the eggs to my breeding tanks and raise them myself next spawning (if they lay on something easy to grab instead of the gravel lol)

i will also be treating the breeding tank with methyl blue to keep the eggs from getting fungus on them.

ill let you all know the results ( im raising about 25 zebra fish fry as a practice run right now, just hatched yesterday)
That video only makes me want these fish more now lol! Love your tank, very natural setup and peaceful looking.
That video only makes me want these fish more now lol! Love your tank, very natural setup and peaceful looking.

Angels, Blue Rams, and Discuss are my favorite fish. The rams aren't easy to keep alive ill tell you that much (ive had 2 die already) but if you can they are amazing :D
That video only makes me want these fish more now lol! Love your tank, very natural setup and peaceful looking.

Angels, Blue Rams, and Discuss are my favorite fish. The rams aren't easy to keep alive ill tell you that much (ive had 2 die already) but if you can they are amazing :D

I've never had much luck with the more "tropical fish" like neons and angels... they were the fish I tried to look after in
my early days and needless to say I stuffed it up and unfortunately they were the ones to pay the price. I now keep and breed
various africans/tanganyikan cichlids successfully but I still have a very strong affection to blue rams as they were the fish
I have always wanted but never wanted to risk keeping and risking their lives.

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