My Blood Parrot Photos


Fish Addict
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
Durham UK
I dunno what to call them :)




suggestions?? :good:
Silly names that popped into my head while looking at your guys:

Tropico (The blue one)
Mango (the orangey one)
They're all georgeous.

Afraid I can't think of any names...I'm still trying to think of names for my 2 new BP's that I picked up 2 weeks ago, lol.

the blue one isnt a BP.
it looks most likely to be some kind of texas or GT hybrid.
can you get a better picture of him ?
he is a cichlasoma carpinte / pearlscale cichlid!! ( hes a real beauty except when hes angry his back half goes black and his head goes like an electric blue colour and he goes round kicking ass!

pics of him in his angry face lol...



hes not really angry tho, he just gets a little territorial at times!!

oh and for those who asked where in uk i live... i live in Durham City (NE UK)
i really like the pearlscale cichlid! its in a aquarium fish book i have and it says its one of the better behaved and more friendly of the LARGE central american cichlids such as midas Etc.
good luck with your fish! as for names....

definetly as said before burt and earnie!!!
the pearl... hmm pearl? jack sparrow :D get it? curse of black pearl:p
haha my parrots built a home, but the gravel kept filling back in so i have scooped some out!! they are not happy!! i decided to plant a nice little plant in there for them, they ripped it up and spat it out of the hole and are now moving the gravel back in!!!!

there is just no pleasing some fishies!!

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