After getting my new bettas, I decided to rearrange some of my fish by placing them in different tanks. I decided to temporarily divide one of my 2.5 gallon minibows. Crimson usually has the 2.5 gallon minibow all to herself, but since I needed to make room for my new arrivals I placed Sydney in one of the divided sections. Crimson's tank is beside another betta so she is used to seeing other fish. However, Sydney could not see any other bettas in her old tank. Therefore, she thought is was necessary to flare at Crimson. Of course, Crimson returned the favor.
I'll probably get a new tank for Sydney or divide the tank so that they can not see each other. But, placing them together allowed me to get some really good pics of them both.
Crimson (left) and Sydney (right)


Crimson (left) and Sydney (right)


Crimson (left) and Sydney (right)


Crimson (left) and Sydney (right)
