Hi all,
I have a little Betta...he's a male and I got him on Wednesday.
He's been doing well, and feeding etc. He's happy enough fluting about the 10gal tank on his own.
This morning I noticed his tail looked a bit ragged. I thought he might have caught it on something during the night.
Mine is the same. Please help.
Just now I looked in the tank, and I notice the tail is further shredded....so I'm a bit puzzled?
There is nothing really in the tank that would lead to his tail being damaged...plus he's been in there so far without incident.
He is not distressed in any way, so I'm not too concerned about his overall health, but just wondering what might be causing this rapid tail erosion?
Now, one thing is, I added Nutrafin Plant gro to the water yesterday evening, this is the only change I have made to the tank....could this be effecting the tissue in his tail? Perhaps its thinning it out and causing it to shred? Is it possible?
By the way....I have two pieces of smooth bogwood & a resin log in the tank...plus live planted Amazon swordplants, twisted vallis and round tiny sand-like gravel. (I bought it for my impending Corys so it definitely wouldn't rip the bettas tail )
There is a mature filter in the tank...
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
pH: 7.6