My Bettas Fins


New Member
Sep 7, 2004
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If there is a bright spot in the universe I'm in t
I have noticed all the wonderful pictures that people have posted of their male and female bettas. I love their fins, they are so majestic and proud. After looking at these pics I look at my betta and realize that his fins are nothing like any of these pics. This is not a complaint and I wouldn't change my little buddy for antyhing I like him just the way he is. But his fins are somewhat srunched up, dicolored almost, and overall ratty looking. This is the way he was given to me, nothing has changed since I have had him. I guess what I am getting at here is what is wrong, or is there anything wrong. Is this genetics, illness, I know that he was kept in less than ideal conditions before I got him, and by that I mean cramed little cup in the lfs. Could that have anything to do with it? I just want to know if something is wrong or this is just the way he is, which is totally fine with me I am just curious if there is a problem if there is anything that can be done.

PS - They do not look torn up like he has been fighting or anything like that.
Bump... What size tank do you have him in. it could just be some fin rot. You could do frequent water changes with salt. Clean water will help their fins to heal. You could try some bettamax, or melafix, or even some stress coat to help heal them up. If his fins are clamped, there is something bothering him..... Clean water would be best though.

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