My Bettas Came! +2!


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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Alright...So I had a little drama today. My mom picked me up and while we were in the car she told me I got my package today. I got excited, then she told me the box was pretty cold. She couldn't feel any warmth from it. She thought they'd be dead. She ask the post lady if she knew there was fish in the box, and the lady kinda gave her a blank stare and told her no.
So I got a little worried at that point....My mom had put the box on the stove top under a light(Don't worry, the stove was off).
I ran into the house, grabbed the package, ran into the bathroom with a knife, turned off the lights, and left the door cracked just enough so I could see.
I cut open the package, and imediately I realized the heat pack was 'heated out'. The colors were very dull, and the bettas were very still.
I expected to see a couple larger bags, but they were actually pretty small. The bettas themselves are really small! Smallest I've seen! I guess thats what happens when you only have walmart bettas.
They're adjusting quiet well.
Anyways, here's the babeish bettas.
The Men:

Unamed(Any Ideas?)

The Pretty Ladies:


Here's them adjusting in the 5

The Boys Tank

The Girls' Tank

(I know the dividers look funky, but its the only way I could get no gaps in the side, well quickly anyways. I do a more professional look later, but as long as they're safe for now...)
I know!

The males are flairing alot, being in the tank. They keep [pacing back and forth, so i added some fake plasit one untill I can get either real or silk plants.
I'm also thinking of adding another layer of plastic divider to ubstruck their view of eachother....
The females are doing great, not minding eachother much...
Are the girls in a common tank? If so watch the girls well... two females in a shared tank is usually too few.
Nope, its divided. Its kinda weird that quite a few people PMed me asking about my bettas - yet only one person responded. I got like 4 Pms.
WEEEEEEE! THEY CAME! Finally, it took long enough :shifty: . I was scared when you said that you took them into the bathroom with a knife and with the lights off. You seemed a little serial-killerish. HAHAHAHAHA, JK. Well congrads on your double pair. :hey: . Thanks for giving us an update with PIX! But we need more of your collection...A more close up on your 55gallon maybe... :drool: .

-Arrowhead :ninja:
Awww, congrats!! They look great! The colour on the male looks better than in his Aquabid pic even!
Congratulations, they came through unscathed then and just in time for Xmas, I guess you'll be a little busy now.

You'll have to post some more piccys when they settle into their tanks.

Thanks everyone.
I'm counting on getting a digital camera for christmas, so them I'll be able to show you how nice they are. This camera sucks....really bad.

Anyways, I know its almost impossible to tell, but does anyone see a CTDelta in "Gloria"?
Breedings been put off till after Christmas, maybe even untill this summer.
I neeed the fry to hatch when I'm maybe I'll condition before spring break, and let the bettas "Get it on" during spring break, whilst' I'm home..
Don't mean to be rude be dang those are some crappy pics and a bad job on the dividers, better be carfull none of the bettas knock it over with it being so flimsy. Are the gaps on the side? Mine are like that to but its not big enough for the bettas to get thru. My disposible camera takes better pics than that. :lol: But congrats on the bettas FINALLY making it. :-
Don't mean to be rude be dang those are some crappy pics and a bad job on the dividers, better be carfull none of the bettas knock it over with it being so flimsy. Are the gaps on the side?
The camera is a peice of crap, so no surprise. It doesn't have micro, so I can't take pics of small things.
It stinks..
But now, I have a fantastic digital!
Has 5x zoom, and 12x picture zoom(Meaning you can zoom into spots on the picture).
Its awesome!
It'd woop your disposal's butt! Anyways, atleast it could be put on the internet, and it gives you the general idea..

And I've only had a divider incident once, and that was during a water change.
Their actually really stable, held up with duck tape on the top :p
And no, there's not gaps in the sides.
I've made the dividers more custom since then, so they look alot better for our Christmas guests...
I'll post pics later.

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