My Betta's Arnt eating...


Jun 24, 2004
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My betta's Arnt eating... With one of them when i first got him he was realy skinny and i got him to eat and he became proper size to do that i was feeding him frozen blood worms and he was only eating a few them the rest would rot on the bottom and turn his tank nasty so i stopped that and have been trying to feed him flakes but he doesnt want to touch them.... Also i got a new betta which is doing the same thing to the flakes... What should i do?

maybe you should give htem pellets intsead of flakes, bettas are generally liking pellets more (grammer error lol that made no sense). but anyways, for hte blodoworms, try to use a tweezer and wave one right in frotn of his face, and then wait for him to eat it, and then give him anotehr one..a.nd so on. it might take a while, but it'll encourage him to eat it rather than just let it sink to the bottom and rot :)
Thats what happened to mine,
Then i noticed it had fin rot!
Then it died :-(

why dont you de-frost your frozen worms then take what it will eat out of the de-frozted and put the un-used worms back in the freezer :look:

Good luck :thumbs:

the food rotting in the bottom might have something to d wtih it. you fish could get a bacterial infection from it :(
how often are you changing your water?
take out any uneaten food.
ime betas generally dont like flakes. flakes tend to cloud the water too. why arent you feeding frozen bloodworms any more?
do you see any poop? what color is it?
Pellets are the best. If you bought it, most likely it eats pellets. Pellets are the easiet and best food for commercial breeders. The betta is probably used to pellets.
Thanx for your help guys... Ive tried to give them pellets but they didnt eat them either... cutecotton ill try with them tweezers and see if they will eat them that way and i might try the pellets again and see if they eat them... and jacblades im changing the water about once a week about a 75% change and the reason why i stopped feeding them blood worms is because of them rotting on the ground...

Once again thank you guys for all your help its much appreciated! :D And also if anyone has anymore suggestions im open to hear them...

Thanx Aj

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