I know it's taken a while, but these guys just don't want to have their pictures taken! It's taken me well over 100 shots to get the few decent ones I'm going to post. All four bettas are doing wonderful and have adjusted to their new temporary homes until I get their betta condos cycled and ready. One lil guy has even been bubble nesting like a maniac! I haven't come up with names for them yet and I'd like to go with a theme. I've come up with Blaze and Flame so far, you'll see why and maybe you guys could help me with 2 more similar names. OK OK I'll quit rambling and here they are:
First, the little female:
And then males, this one has a brilliant irredescent coloring:
This lil guy is my favorite colorwise: (He's in a fish bowl for now, but only temporary)
This is the happy little bubble nester, his coloring is just gorgeous:
None of these pictures do these little guys true justice. They are simple gorgeous!! Thanks again Yeeviabetta
AREN'T THEY ARE TINY? LOL So you will see them growth. They are late bloomers since the brother siblings already taken out of the community tank to jaring.
Looks GOOD!! Sure you will take good care of them and see their fins heals up after been nipping.
OK. I have to box up the betta for newfishies now. It is her turn.
I don't even see where they've been nipped. I guess their beauty just blinds me to any nips or anything. I just love my little guys. As soon as my guppy fry go to new homes I'm converting their grow out tank to a girly betta community! I can't wait ........... grow you little guppy fry GROW!!
I think I've been converted. I don't usually like red, but I love your Female, and that Red/White BF.
Forgot to say........
I'm getting some yeeviabetta's this week too. I can't wait, all his are so pretty. You can tell that alot of love goes into raising them.
My computer hates me, but I'll try to post pics when they arrive/settle in.
1 is the Orange/Black Freebie male he posted a while ago.