My Betta

Unfortunately, I don't. It is a bow front anyway. I don't think they make dividers for bow fronts. 
Is there a substitute that I could use inside of the tank?
fishguy101 said:
Is there a substitute that I could use inside of the tank?
As much as I hate to say it... Do you have a Livebearer Breeder Trap? If so, he'll be OK in that till you get the 10 gallon. Or at least better than he is now.
Unfortunately, I don't. I was looking at them yesterday though.
:/ How big are the Cichlids again? And what types of Cichlids are they? Like I said, I had my betta in with an Angelfish and a Breeding Pair of Kribensis for a good 2-3 weeks so he should be OK till you can get the 10 gallon either today or tomorrow.
It is probably not a good idea to put him in there now anyway. I just found out today that one of my Jellybean Parrot Fish has ich. He is by himself in a plastic bowl (It is the best we can do now). If we do put the betta in, we could risk him getting sick too. I don't know what to do.
Ah... Hopefully you can get the 10 gallon soon then :/
I just got it today. I'm filling it up now. It's got a heater, a filter, etc.... Everything necessary.

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