i'ts been 2 days now, my betta looks extra bad tongiht

i dont' know if it's just sleeping or something, but here's what i noticed:
betta is really unresponsive, before when he was alright i'd put my finger near the tank in front of him and he'd at least see it, acknolwedge it and move away or whatever. Now he sits at the bottom of his bowl, and i move my finger close but there is aboustely NO response, not a flinch, not even a movemetn of fins.
Speaking of fins, when hes resting at the bottom fo the tank, his front fins (the see through tiny ones right behind the gills), don't move at all. I thought they were always supposet to be moving? i could be wrong
either way, it seems pale, tail seems curly at the end and really calmped together, like he can't open it. I noticed small signs of fin rot on the ends of his tail, and he just overall seems really depressed.
I take it that these are downhill signs right

that amkes me sad, he was such a beatiful betta, i'll never find another one lik him again