My Betta


New Member
Aug 3, 2009
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well i just sign up for this site so i really don't know what to sat?

But i have a betta and he's one of those vieltails i guess i really don't know.
well i have two names for him i call him fishy or bluie but i don't know which name to pick for him?
please tell me which name is better?

and what happens if i put my finger in my tank will he bite me or let me pet him becuz i never put my finger in my tank be4 but once he came towards the tank and he feel like he was going to bite me but he's a nice pet to have.?
well should i put my finger in my tank and see what he does and should i wash my hands also just wondering.?

please answer all of my questions please i appreciate it. srry if i spell it wrong.
hi and welcome!!!
to answer some questions :)

the name is entirely up to you. i call all my fish, one is really named but they are all so different :blush: so whatever you call your fish is great!

as for putting your hands in the tank. your fish will probably not bite you. more likely he's just curious as to what your fingers are. bettas are very inquisitive. if he does bite, it will not hurt you. their little mouths dont have teeth and it actually tickles a bit. it is ALWAYS a good idea to wash your hands before and AFTER your hands are in any fishtank. wash before to remove any oil or chemicals on your hands (from lotion or just dirty hands) and again after to wash off the tank water.

hope that helps you a bit. now, you are going to get a lot of requests for pictures of your boy, so let me be the first to ask:) we want pictures :hyper:
if you have any more questions about anything, dont hesitate to ask...all us folks on the betta forum are very friendly.
best of luck!
Ill Start! Please let us have some pics! All best naming him, it will come ;)

Loraxchick has good advice on the other concerns. If they do bite it is tickkly and nothing to be worried about!
It won't hurt. I hold some blood worms over the water about half a cm, and I feel his nibble when he jumps up to get them. Yeah I would say pictures would be nice. Don't worry I have 2 veil tails. I am planning on getting more bettas when I get the money, there are so many tanks that need to be set up before I can focus on more bettas. I wouldn't advice petting your fish. It does not sound like a good idea, and what if your fingernail accidentally scratched him? He would be hurt, in very poor condition.
Radish nibbles me all the time the michevouse little wotsit it just feels like a little sucking not painfull at all used to make me jump but now i'm used to it lol it's my fault i train him to do stuff and then when i do stuff like gravel vac he trys to play lol, Djin will feed from my finger but is very delicate about it (still not fully convinced he is a boy lol) Brom is very shy and won't come to my hand but will eat and come to the glass to watch me if i put my face to the tank for his daily inspection of his regrowing fins.

As for names it's totally up to you! Bluie is cute though.

Oh yes and PICS!!!!

How do i upload some pics on here becuz i have a bunch of pics of my betta...? and he's a pretty fish.
well here's a pic of my pretty betta... i hope y'all like it.


By alyssa_18, shot with STK1210 at 2009-08-03

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