My Betta


New Member
Apr 21, 2006
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Hello all,

I've just found this forum by Google. I have a pet Betta and I got it about 2 years ago, and up until now, it has been all good. It is now sick and only moves when I tap it on the glass. The betta sinks to the bottom and it will not move. It is sort of on its side. It doesn't look healthy at all.

I was feeding my betta dried fish scales that I got with it. However, I was running out was I went to an aquarium to buy some more food, they recommended freeze dried blood worms. So I bought the blood worms and I fed my betta (I feed it every 1.5 days). Now, my guess is that I've fed it too much, because my aquarium recommended 2 or 3 blood worms every feed.

I think I've polluted the water, so I changed the water and put chlordine remover in. The new water was at room temperature (luckily I had that ready).

Is there anything else I should do to make sure my betta survives?

he's got swimbladder by the sound of it
caused by over eating
freeze dried bloodworms should only be a treat, not a staple food, it offers not much nutrition
bad bad lfs for recommending that!

try him with some bitesize cooked de-shelled garden pea, that helps him poop and can relieve the stress of swimbladder problems and constipation.

check this link:

Thank you very much for replying! Unfortunately it's 10:13PM here in Australia and I do not know what "bitesize cooked de-shelled garden peas" are because I cannot goto a grocery right now. I just called a aquarium in the UK and he said it'd possibly be swimbladder.

What can you suggest in the meanwhile until tommorrow morning?

the peas are just frozen peas, just gotta cook them so your little betta can eat them, and chop them up tiny so he doesn't choke on them

clean water, no food. for now.
if you can lower the water line a little so he can get up to get air easily that'll help too.
clean water, no food. for now.
if you can lower the water line a little so he can get up to get air easily that'll help too.
I have lowered the water level alot. I tried to feed it a *little* bit but I've scooped all the dried fish scales from the water. And I have already changed the water.

Thanks for all your help. Tommorrow morning I will have a go at my local aquarium.


EDIT: Also, I may need to add, that I haven't fed my betta in 2days, should he be okay if I don't feed him.
bettas can essentially go for about a week or even 2 without eating, so not to worry!
just get some pea in him tomorrow.
i leave my bettas a few days without food if i go away for the weekend and they're fine.
Thanks alot for all your help! It is very much appreciated.

I will first goto my aquarium tommorrow and have a go at them and buy some medicine or something.

Then I'll get some peas.

He may be getting old too as 2 years is a lifespan for these guys. Was he little when you got him? Obviously you've taken good care of him. I'd do the treatments cat suggested and keep your fingers crossed for him. I thought I'd mention the age thing as it could be a factor here. Good luck and best wishes!!
Yes, he was quite little when I got him, but not that little.

Oh well,

I guessed this'd happen but... My betta has died. I've put him in a river so he flows away somewhere.

I think it was caused by old age.

Oh well,

I guessed this'd happen but... My betta has died. I've put him in a river so he flows away somewhere.

I think it was caused by old age.

:flowers: :rip: sorry to hear that mini, but keep logging on to the forum :good:
Good sensitive choice for a final resting place. Yes, it does sound like old age and it also sounds like he had the best of care. Sorry about your loss.
:( sorry about your fish.
Get another one soon, it was obvious you were fond of him and a replacement is your way of saying so.
Hugs and fishy wishes. :fish: Keep reading this thread and you will soon feel better.

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