My Betta


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2005
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So yes my betta who was fine 2 hours ago is now floating upside down at the top of the tank and struggling to get right side up again. He's in a 2.5G tank with a heater. I've put in some Antifungal, anti internal bacteria stuff. The only other meds I have are betta fix and anti ulcer and open wounds. So this is most likely dropsy or a problem with his swim bladder. Is there anything I can do?
Well you don't need the anti fungus stuff in the tank, have you increased aeration, is he floating upside down a lot, is the fish still eating, i would also try some shelled peas and frozen daphnia.
not eating and I increased airation . floating on side with help by wedging himself with the heater.
Not good, i wouldn't hold out to much hope, sorry, what do you normally feed the fish.
What it sounds like is a disease common in cold water fish and is called swim bladder.

It normally happens when a fish is feeding fromn the surface of the water and swallows some air. This causes the fish to float upside down yet still be alive. I have had it myself in the past.
Betta Pellets, frozen brine shrimp as a treat. I think he's a goner just thought I'd try, especially if he's trying to wedge himself into things, all the fish I've seen doing that in the past have died.

Is there anything to do if your fish has swim bladder?
More frozen foods and veg in there diet, peas are really good keeps them going to the toilet, plus daphnia water flea helps the fish digest it food.

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