My betta won't stop flaring


Mar 11, 2004
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Virginia, United States
lol my betta I got last saturday won't stop flaring at himself. The tank is triangular but its got rounded (flat) corners that for some reason seem to reflect stuff and he keeps swimming up and down with his nose pressed against the flat corners flaring all day until I turn off the light. Oh boy what a character.
I have the exact same prob with My Gourami. He acts like a crazy freak all day shooting up and down the glass but as soon as the light goes off he's fine and he swims around happily and goes about his business. Its weird :/
One of my bettas does that too. It would seem like we have similar shaped tanks by your description. He flares until we turn off his light as well. I have figured out it is because we turn off the light in the room at night and leave his on for a bit and he can see a reflection of his tank and himself in the plastic instead of the surrounding room.
Is it stressful if male bettas flare at their reflections in the tank? Mine does it practically all day.
Well, if he does it all day it is very stress full. It drains a lot of energy and leaves the fish vulnerable to disease.
Thanks for the article. I thought it would be stressful so I added a background to the tank, and he doesn't stress quite as much now. Silly little guy :rolleyes:

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