My Betta Won't Eat Flakes Or Peas..


New Member
May 25, 2011
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We got him yesterday, and he's eaten nothing since we got him :( i'm quite worried. our LFS doesn't have any betta pellets in stock. they will do by tuesday though. what should i do?
You could always feed bloodworms, brainshrimp or cucumber (with a weight pushed through, that makes it sink). Just make sure you take the cucumber out after a day or so otherwise your tank will go a pale green colour as it will start to dissolve. My betta always loved those foods. By the way, fish can go a week without food (although it is not recommended).
don't worry too much, its common for bettas not to eat for a few days of moving, i had 1 not eat for nearly 2 weeks :rolleyes:
Definitely just settling in, and they can be notoriously picky about food, especially new foods. I wouldn't attempt to feed for a day, or even two, and give him chance to actually become hungry enough to eat what he's given.

Peas/other veggies generally don't need to be offered except if you suspect constipation - which is often a result of overfeeding anyway. I fast mine one day a week.

They also like variety and can go off things they are given all the time.

My betta's favourite is frozen bloodworm and daphnia (not so keen on anything dried) which he gets once or twice a week, and he gets 2 or 3 good quality betta pellets daily. Won't touch flake or brine shrimp. Must be doing something right as he's pretty ancient now.
I really need to stop panicking so much about my fish..! I'll attempt to feed him on monday/tuesday(with the new betta stuff). if not i'll try other feed :D
thank you all
My betta's favourite is frozen bloodworm and daphnia (not so keen on anything dried) which he gets once or twice a week, and he gets 2 or 3 good quality betta pellets daily. Won't touch flake or brine shrimp. Must be doing something right as he's pretty ancient now.

I've noticed both my betta and my gourami COULDN'T eat brine shrimp. They would both try and suck it in, then spit it right back out two or three times before giving up. They also both had trouble with flakes unless they were wet enough to start sinking. So to the OP, if you're using flakes for a bit, maybe just try pushing them under the surface with your finger?

I wonder if there isn't something about the mouths of those fish types that makes some food harder to swallow.
My betta's favourite is frozen bloodworm and daphnia (not so keen on anything dried) which he gets once or twice a week, and he gets 2 or 3 good quality betta pellets daily. Won't touch flake or brine shrimp. Must be doing something right as he's pretty ancient now.

I've noticed both my betta and my gourami COULDN'T eat brine shrimp. They would both try and suck it in, then spit it right back out two or three times before giving up. They also both had trouble with flakes unless they were wet enough to start sinking. So to the OP, if you're using flakes for a bit, maybe just try pushing them under the surface with your finger?

I wonder if there isn't something about the mouths of those fish types that makes some food harder to swallow.

I should clarify - he can physically eat them (got standard flake at the lfs and when I first got him, and has had frozen brine shrimp on occasions, for example) - but now won't, because he's been spoiled and knows I'll feed what he likes ;)

My dwarf gourami eats flake and brine shrimp. And literally anything else he can get to first.

But yes, soaking may help him eat the flake.
My first better didnt eat for a few days. All my bettas have been partial to Tetra Betta and wont eat normal flake.
Fish are cold blooded critters and don't need to eat as often or as much as we do. They can easily go for 2 weeks without food, and should be fed only once per day 6 days a week skipping one day at random during the week. Never mind what the fish food container says. You CAN feed them more often, but it just ends up as more organic waste in the tank.

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