My Betta Wont Build A Nest


Fish Fanatic
Sep 16, 2006
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hi i got a male betta he is approx 4 cm . i put a femal to the tank next to his. he knows she s there he flares at her . but he wont buld a nest iv breed my bettas like that befor. here are a few pics of him.
he builds nest but tiny ones as shown on the left pic at the top right corner


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Didn't you just get him yesterday of something? He probably just needs to settle in some more. Give him some time. I have a betta that took 8 months to build a nest! But yours seems to be getting started, just slowly :) give him some time :D
yeah time and clean water should be enough.
i have a female and he is starting to build but then wonders of and abandons his nest and never returns.
i clean his tank every 3 days without failure

yeah time and clean water should be enough.
i have a female and he is starting to build but then wonders of and abandons his nest and never returns.
i clean his tank every 3 days without failure
also i feed him bloodworm and live brine shrimp and dose anyone know what that white on the end of his tail is is it new growth?
just do a simple experiment: cut a rectangular piece of paper, 5 x 5 cm and place it in a corner of it's tank, then return after about 2 hours :good:
Yes the white tips are probably regrowth :D
And as far as the bubble nest, like everyone else said he's probably still settling in...give him some time :nod: old is he and what kind is he?...cause some bettas who are still young don't know how to mate yet...or make bubble nests. i got a halfmoon right now and he's not making any nests either only little tiny ones. thats because he's still young and doesn't have a big body to do it you can tell, short fin male bettas such as the Plakat family makes a whole mess of big nests and big bubbles.
i doubt youth is a factor. bettas are usually bred at 3-6 months of age, i believe, and pet shop bettas are usually at least 6 months old, sometimes a year already. Some males just don't build nests, some males are lazy and require extra prodding. it doesn't mean anything's wrong with 'em :)
I had this same problem. If my male did get a big nest going, it usually popped and died off before too long. My solution? Betta Spa! I swear by it. My males both made large nests within one day of adding the Betta Spa.

As others have suggested, some males just don't want to build nests. If you have another male that has a nest, try carefully taking some bubbles from his nest with a clean, metal spoon and put them into the tank of the male that won't make a nest. That helped a bit with one of my males. But I'm tellin you, Betta Spa worked for me and my bettas. :D :good:
I had this same problem. If my male did get a big nest going, it usually popped and died off before too long. My solution? Betta Spa! I swear by it. My males both made large nests within one day of adding the Betta Spa.

As others have suggested, some males just don't want to build nests. If you have another male that has a nest, try carefully taking some bubbles from his nest with a clean, metal spoon and put them into the tank of the male that won't make a nest. That helped a bit with one of my males. But I'm tellin you, Betta Spa worked for me and my bettas. :D :good:
my betta is lively and healthy he is starting to build a nest but he only makes tiny ones. do u think he might need something to build under most of mine just built one in a corner
Yeah, giving them something to build under and attach the nest to may help. I use a styrofoam cup cut in half and placed in the water for them to build under. Even then though, mine still had some trouble getting a nest that stayed together. But maybe yours just needs some time and something to build under. :good:

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