My Betta Tank, 5gal (19L) Fluval Spec


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2007
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It took me many months to finally get it cycled, and it's another month and half or so passed since it's been setup. I just want to thank Eaglesaquarium and Ch4rlie for all the help given. I just want to post an update on my tank and how my buddy betta is doing. He is a SuperDelta Betta. :)

This was in August 22nd...

This is his bubbles...

This is Sept 30th...

This is Oct 6th...

Plants, Which for some reason aren't doing well, I think they are dying slowly they turn black/clear and melt away...
Lovely betta :)

Yes, your cycling did indeed take an age to complete but thankfully it's successfully completed and the betta seems nice and healthy.

Not sure what plants you have there, wisteria or something like that. Are you adding any ferts or anything?

Sometimes certain plants do better in soft water and vice versa. It's probably a case of seeing what grows well in your tank set up. Trial and error really.

Taken me a long time to see what grows and what doesn't in my hard water tanks. Vals and crypts do well, floating plants like water lettuce does real good as well, throw away a good handful pretty much every week!

Though I do add ferts and use root tabs. Not a high tech set up at all, just T8 lights. No co2.
Thanks Ch4rlie!
The only thing I use is the Seachem #1 bottles once a week bc the dosing says 1cap per 10gals, so i try not to over due the dosage. But yeah, the leafs keep frailing away as you can see from the stems. Maybe i will try another plant variety.
Oh nice boy you have there.

That is one huge filter,
No I don't use any Prime products. Unfortuneitlymy plants died. I'm looking to replace them soon.

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