My Betta Sorority

Wildbetta said:
Female bettas can be kept together although it is not advised for beginners or anyone not good with recognizing betta behavior.  If you do keep females together in a sorority setting like Giz is doing here, lots and lots of plants and other things to block line of sight is mandatory.  
That is so friend decided she wanted to have Bettas, all females....I advised her against it because she was new to fish in general and only owned one male Betta in the past. She didn't want to listen and insisted on having a sorority setting.......make a long story short, one morning she woke up to a sad situation. I find as you said also I believe, that putting "sisters" together are the best way for a beginner....I also found from my experiences that once the sorority is established, not to introduce a new female to it, without carefully watching them....there is usually a hierarchy and I have felt adding a newbie stimulated fighting among all the this moment I have several sorority tanks, but mostly made up from the beginning with "sisters" that came from my own breeding, and they get along great. There are always exceptions, I can just give you my own trials and errors.
yes, I do agreed. This is why I feel have the same fry of females will do well together. 
Most of my females there are siblings. The first two I received, the copper and the blue/red; the other two blue ones and the white and pinkish girls, if I recall correctly. I don't remember about the White dragonscale and the blue crowntail (not 100% sure, but she resembles one) girl.
There are plenty of minor spats between them, but they are settling in and seem to have found their hierarchy.
New scape. Driftwood added (slate will come out once driftwood decides to stay down), a few plants moved around.
Before adding the driftwood...


Bought it from somebody on Etsy. She got it from Lake Erie haha. :)
Wow that is a lovely tank, and your girls are gorgeous! x
Thanks!  Thinking about possibly putting  a small piece of slate in the front left corner, but not sure yet.
Long update that's been way past due. Sorry folks!
I lost a few girls after several bouts of ich, sudden dropsy then columnaris. I think the cause of the dropsy was columnaris in the long run, but it was undetected unfortunately. There were no symptoms... Long story short, everyone is healthy now and doing great! 
Much thanks to TTA, I was able to upgrade them to a 20 long. They love the new space! But, the 6 girls that were left didn't know what to do with themselves in so much space. Dealt with many torn fins due to their boredomb. They share the space with loads of assassin snails, 2 mystery snails and a pair of juvie Bristlenose plecos. Much thanks to the breeder I got the initial girls from, I was able to up their numbers to 15.  After postponing shipping  a few times due to weather, they arrived 2 nights ago. The new girls are starting to color up, but are extremely active so I haven't been very successful in getting photos yet. So, without further ado, I'll post a video instead.
Edited to add: I forgot to mention a big thanks to Eagles, who cared for the tank and it's inhabitants for a couple of weeks until we could drive up to meet him! He met TTA for a few things and picked up the tank for me.
Ouch... Thought I'd get a shout out. 
I edited it! You deserve a shout out. You did all that hard work for me of getting the tank from TTA, setting it up, and dismantling it and packing up everyone for their ride home with me. You deserve so much more venison than I was able to bring you! I am forever grateful! 

eaglesaquarium said:
Ouch... Thought I'd get a shout out. 
Your eternal gratitude is more than thanks enough. :lol:

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