My Betta Sorority

Beautiful tank, gorgeous fish. I am most definitely jealous.
Thanks all, really appreciate your comments. Really pleased with myself, got the tank up and running very fast and thanks to the mature filter stats are stable and I can enjoy them.

Caz, the otos have truly settled in well, I think I will have no problems keeping them alive, they are constantly munching on algae rocks or bloodworm pellets when fed at night.
Any updates?

Sorry, didn't see this. Yes, there are updates, but not good ones. :( I had a long post in the emergency section about two weeks or so back.

Short story: They have all died, one after the other. Replaced them and they died. The only survivor that is with me now is the only non-crowntail betta. On the emergency thread we worked out that it could have been a parasite brought in by the pygmy cories or an unknown parasite that only affects crowntail bettas. I found out that others had the problem, especially with pygmies.

The tank is now totally different, have cleared it out and instead I have a hopefully soon breeding pair of kribs (they seem to be getting jiggy) and the remaining betta lives with them. I have also returned the pygmy cories to that tank. I didn't want to try it again, it was too heartbreaking seeing them all die and there was nothing I could do to save them. But so far so good. No more deaths. It must have been something that killed the crowntails and I will probably never know exactly what.
Thanks. Well, kribs have laid eggs by the looks of it (she is constantly in the coconut and he is guarding), so it's definitely not the tank of doom anymore :)

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