My Betta Saga Continues...


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I think I figured out what was getting to my bettas. I'm pretty sure it's type of body fungus. It sounds easy enough to treat (if caught soon enough). I just don't understand how they all could have gotten it when I got them at three different places. :/ I checked my water perimeters, and everthing was fine. Needless to say I am keeping a very close eye on Dogma and the new guy (I'm affraid to name him and get aquainted) :sad: I think I might put a lamp over their bowls and keep the water a little warmer. Also, I was wondering if I should use something specific to treat Betta water, instead of the general tropical water conditioner I use. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
I use Prime to dechlorinate, it's great. You could have something there with the names,maaaybe you shouldn't name this one, I never name my fish just for that reason ;)
If I pass the one week mark with the new one, I'm sure I'll have to name him. I think I have some kind of disorder. :lol: I name my ghost shrimp and snail! :fun:

I'm thinking maybe I just need to get a betta when the first arrive in the pet shop. Maybe all bettas are prone to this when they are kept in those conditions. The new one I picked had a bubble nest in his cup already (bless his heart :wub: ) so maybe he'll be healthy enough. I have the stuff to treat if he isn't though. :D

I didn't think it would be so easy to get hooked on one type of fish... :lol: :wub: :hyper: :* :*)
dixaisy930 said:
Maybe all bettas are prone to this when they are kept in those conditions.
No, at least 23 of my betta came home in water as thick as mud & it was easy to tell that they hadn't eaten in quite some time and they've all survived & thrived. So don't let this sway you from adopting a betta in need of a home (and a meal) :wub: :wub: :wub:
"the new one"
Maybe you'll and up calling him The One. :fun: Sounds important, like a leader. :p
Well, I'm glad to say after having Dogma for almost a week, he has built a very respectable bubble nest. :D :hyper:

The new guy built a big buggle nest while I was at work, BUT I though I saw a little of that fungus -_- (I'm not positive though, because he's so active and eats like a pig...the others didn't) but I treated him just incase. I'm crossing my fingers that he doesn't have the fungus, but hopefully I caught it soon enough if he does.

What kind of LIVE plants do you all use for your bettas? They need to be small...thanks. :)

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