My Betta Project


Oct 20, 2005
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In school i have to do an in-class preparation of a power point presentation, meaning i have to design the whole thing in a 2 hour period. I have decided to do betta fish. :D And i was looking for a little guidance from you knowledgable people :wub:

a brief outline of my slides i have decided to do are as follows:
- Main Page
- Agenda
- Common Types of Bettas ( i was thinking of either having a separate slide for each, or all one one depending on how much info i get
- Veiltails
- Crowntails
- HalfMoons (should i choose this one?)
- Deltas (again, should i choose this one)
* and any other common types i can find out*
The details i am looking to put on it, perhaps, are the finnage, maybe temperment? and average cost i think. I don't know too much about the betta fish other than veiltails, and I don't know what heidi is.
- Proper Betta Care (tank size, plants, heater, filter, food, etc)
- Common Diseases and Treatments ( i thought to do this in a table format, and have perhaps velvet, fungus, fin rot and parasites, if anyone can think of more, please let me know)
- Friends of Bettas (or others that can live with them, other fish and frogs and snails)
- My Bettas (where i would have my fish)

I also ask, does anyone have cute pictures of fish i can use to decorate with, or moving ones? and also if anyone can think of more creative names for my slide headings. Thank you all for your help.
I'd put the halfmoons and deltas into one group, and explain the differences between them, since the differences are so small, and then I'd put plakats where you planned to put deltas. Not many people know about plakats, and since they don't look like your average betta with the long,flowy fins, people would probably be fascinated. Good luck on your project!
Thank you very much!

I don't know much about bettas to know differences in them, but i am going to look them up
Other tail types:
Super delta, Plakat, halfmoon plakat, rosetail, spade (or pin) tail, fan (or round) tail, double tail and combtail.
just thought i'd mention, you are currently doing it on Betta SPLENDENS, and their tail types, not bettas and their types. Make sure you change that! It'll still be an interesting topic, nonetheless, but that makes it more accurate ;)
Okay, I have changed it slightly, because I realized I would have way too many slides.

The way i am doing it now, is instead of having a different page for each fish, listing the most popular ones, and i have to have a pie graph in it with made up statistics.

and i wasthinking that on the final page, having pictures of the most popular types as mentioned in the slide with it. I'm going to start right now on the layout etc, and hope for the best.

And i decided, i'm going to have on the last page "Fin" which means "end" in french. :D

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