My Betta Is Sick! Help Me!


New Member
Sep 14, 2007
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In a dormitory in River forest, IL
So since Monday I notice my betta acting a bit weird. I changed his water on saturday and I guess I did a bad job since it was the first time I have ever changed his water. He's been spitting up his food but I thought it was normal because the week before he was spitting up all the brown pieces of his food. He's been putting himself between the rocks which freaked me out because what if he hurt his scales. My other college friends had betta who had bettas before said he was okay. Today after my firends and I watch a movie I realized there was some white fuz growing on him. I Looked up online and saw he had a fungal disease, so I stole 5 bottles of my roommate's bottle water and filled up my 1 gallon tank. I won't get a chance to go to a pet store untill late tomorrow night or Saturday morning. Do you think he will be okay untill then? Thank you.

Kit Kat <3
bottles of water??? as in what you buy from a supermarket??? surely that would hurt the fish with all the different 'chemicals' in it

is he in with other fish? if he is you should remove him but i think you'd still need to treat both tanks incase anything has been passed on

how long have you had him?
defantly fungal my Betta had that a couple of weeks back

you have to get it early the earlier the better .....

I can't remember the brand I got but my LFS gave me fungal drops (turned his water green) but cleared him up and now he is very happy :)

I didn't have a heater in the tank and this is what contributed to my Betta getting fungal infection because at that stage we had weird weather hot one day freezing the next so if you don't have a heater in your tank at the moment wrap at towel around his tank (if it is a small one) or bowl to help keep hiom warm (that is if it is cold where you are lol)
Okay I've only had him for about two weeks. I am going out to buy just gallons of water tomorrow Hopefully. I also contacted a friend of mine who works at a pet store from where I got him. (I am about and Hour and half away from home and at college that's why I can't get stuff). My Parents want me to come home saturday. I am really hoping everything will be okay and I hoping this didn't start before I got him...
defantly fungal my Betta had that a couple of weeks back

you have to get it early the earlier the better .....

I can't remember the brand I got but my LFS gave me fungal drops (turned his water green) but cleared him up and now he is very happy :)

I didn't have a heater in the tank and this is what contributed to my Betta getting fungal infection because at that stage we had weird weather hot one day freezing the next so if you don't have a heater in your tank at the moment wrap at towel around his tank (if it is a small one) or bowl to help keep hiom warm (that is if it is cold where you are lol)

omg! I just realized that's what happened over the weekend like Last week it was hot in the room and this week we closed the windows because it go so cold it even made me sick. He is in a nice one gallon BTW I refused to keep him in a bowl.
i dont understand why your buying bottles of water you can fill tank up with tap water as long as you add tap safe to it?

did you cycle your tank? have you got it filtered? changing water once in 2 weeks cant be good for the him, we do regular water changes with our betta
i dont understand why your buying bottles of water you can fill tank up with tap water as long as you add tap safe to it?

did you cycle your tank? have you got it filtered? changing water once in 2 weeks cant be good for the him, we do regular water changes with our betta

I changed the water a week after we put him in the tank and this stuff started happening.

This my first time ever really having a fish... I had some when I was little but my Mom cleaned the tanks. Now I am off at college and I've never lived with out a pet before. I toook really good care of him I put him in a one gallon tank with a fliter. I just messed up on cleaning the tank I guess. The dorm I am at has City water. So my friend who works at a pet store told me to but this ACE (Amoinia Cholitrine Eliminator) to put in his tank.

But I woke up this morning and he died T_T

I don't know if I am going to get one but does anyone have any Advice on how I should clean the tank and wat to put in the water?

They reason I did the bottle water wasbecause one of the guys on the floor said it would be better for him.
i dont understand why your buying bottles of water you can fill tank up with tap water as long as you add tap safe to it?

did you cycle your tank? have you got it filtered? changing water once in 2 weeks cant be good for the him, we do regular water changes with our betta

I changed the water a week after we put him in the tank and this stuff started happening.

This my first time ever really having a fish... I had some when I was little but my Mom cleaned the tanks. Now I am off at college and I've never lived with out a pet before. I toook really good care of him I put him in a one gallon tank with a fliter. I just messed up on cleaning the tank I guess. The dorm I am at has City water. So my friend who works at a pet store told me to but this ACE (Amoinia Cholitrine Eliminator) to put in his tank.

But I woke up this morning and he died T_T

I don't know if I am going to get one but does anyone have any Advice on how I should clean the tank and wat to put in the water?

They reason I did the bottle water wasbecause one of the guys on the floor said it would be better for him.

Bottled Water is not good for the betta, it needs tap water (which has been dechlorinated using dechlorinator from the pet store) the tap water has beneficial nutrients that bottled water doesn't. Bottled water has been distilled and everything basically cooked out of it.
sorry for your loss

if you do decide to get another the one thing you really need is a heater, a filter sint essential but it helps, without one you will have to do water changes more often

as long as you use a water dechlorinator on your tap water then it will be fine for your fish, add boiled water if you want it closer to your tank temperature

hope something i've said helps, there will be more advice i'm sure

that isn't necessarily true, i live in arizona and are tap water is HORRIBLE here its basically chlorine, if you want to continue to buy bottled waters get arrow head because its tap water or you can buy jugs of distilled water which works well with bettas. :)

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