My Betta Is Not Well - Help?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Last night when I got home from work he was fine. During the day he had built himself a nice little bubblenest, and he ate well, he had 2 hikari pellets and about a 1/4 of a pea.

But when I woke up this morning I noticed my guy was sitting in the top corner of the tank, barely moving. He wasn't interested in eating at all, and when I went near the tank he moved around a little but not much.

Unfortunately for me, I had to go to a job interview this morning so I couldn't do much for him, but I did a 50% water change. There is no outward signs of anything, I can't see any spots or anything.

Does anyone know what is likely up? And what else can I do for him? I can go to my LFS tommorrow if anyone can recommend any meds that might be worth trying.
Try changing out some more water and add some salt. See if this helps..Also try adding some betta fix if the salt doesnt help. I hope he gets better for you soon..
Thanks for that, I will try adding some salt tonight, then go out and buy some betta fix tommorrow.
How much salt should I add for a 3g tank? ABout 1 teaspoon?

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