My Betta has gone antisocial.


New Member
Dec 3, 2003
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San Antonio, TX
Up until last weekend my Betta has been very sociable with the Platies that share the tank. Then last weekend I did some remodeling on the tank. Out went the pinky-blue-yellow fake corrals and all the colorful furniture. And in went something more natural. Rocks with caves and a bunch of plants. All of a sudden the Betta has gone psycho. He never bothered the Platies. Now all of a sudden he is flaring and nipping at them. :angry:
All I can think of is that he never felt at home with all that colorful stuff. Now that things look a little more natural he wants to establish his teritory. The problem is that happens to be the entire tank. Now what do I do? I think I will give him another 24hrs to settle down. But if he doesn't it's back to the bowl. :(
New water and surroundings mean new territory. And new territory means a new pecking order. It may be the same tank to you, but to him it's a totally different area.
You might want to separate the betta from the other fish...seems to me like he has to re-establish his territory and that might not go over well in the long run for the plattys. By the way i have plattys myself and i love them :D
Thank you for the help. :)
Unfortunately the Betta did not get over his episode. So he is back in his Betta bowl. I replaced him with two Dwarf Gouramis and peace has been restored to my tank. :kana:
Maybe you can invest in a 10g and add him with some tetras or danios and a few cories ;)

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