My Betta Fish

Bluesand1313 said:
She's a purebred golden retriever. We're picking her up in two weeks. <3
Yes, I've already got a cat, bunny, two gerbils, two fish tanks.. and getting a puppy! My cat will be so jealous. xD
Hmm, looks like a Norwegian... Not sure. It's not my cat, I just needed an avatar picture and found it floating around in my documents. xD

Here is a picture of Piper!
How lovely for you, enjoy the journey of puppy-hood, they are such fun.  Have you had dogs/puppies before or is this your first?
The advice on positive experiences is spot on.  My dogs used to fall asleep while I cleaned/scaled their teeth and trimmed them.  They would just jump in the bath at bath time, and at the vets they would just lie on the table and flip over when needed.  This was all achieved through positive reinforcement and fun as pups.
The most critical time for Piper is 6-12 weeks, so any experience during that time will assist in setting her up for life.  So prior to vaccinations, take her out in the car to hear the sounds of the world.  Be careful though if carrying her and people coming up and stroking her, as in this instance you are not giving the pup a choice and it depends on their personality but it can induce fear in a pup.  They should always be in a position to back away if they so choose.
I will not give any further tips at this stage as you may well know if you have had dogs before ;)
Why not start a journal on Piper, that way we can all comment in there for you and not go off topic of your Bettas.
The cat in your Avatar is very pretty, shame it is not yours, what does your cat look like?
Thinking about getting another betta fish. I'll have to see, though. 
I too was 15 when I became a betta addicted for the first time.  Then I got into other types of fish and it has been all over now that I have my own home.  
Welcome to the club and you have some very nice fish. 

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